New loot

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Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

im still not finding hardly any buff items like silver statues ect i dont know how its set up but can you put them in the same folder? as the non magic versions (herbal pouch bonnet pin toy soldger ect)

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Post by Throst54 »

Myrdyr wrote:Bring back trap components, please?

they're still there, i filled up nearly 1/2 a coffer the other day w/ them
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Post by Flailer »

Yeah, Shield's aware of the items that still need some balancing on the drops. Hang in there til they're back.
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Post by PeregrineV »

I do like the healing kit drops. Elvin's franchise is definitely lucrative. :lol:

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Post by MasterYoda »

I was curious if the artifacts are area specific...

Me and kromix went on a 3 day leveling grind to level 30 and we found 2 artifacts....

But they were the same and found in the same place...

Coincidence or is this how it is?
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Flailer »

Nope - not tied to areas at all.
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Post by MasterYoda »

WOOT i love Flailer and his speedy responses.....
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Elagneros »

Probably could cut back on the vaulables a bit, they seem to be loading in large numbers, but people generally don't bother with most of them. Also, it would be better to see the valuables be worth picking up given the intended levels of an area; I don't really think we need stuff worth less than 100 gp or so dropping in places like the Ice Giants.
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Post by Myrdyr »

I'm not complaining, but want to provide some information on what I've done and found looking for trap components:

I'm still not finding any trap components from any of the mobs in Frost Dale, Falme, Rock Peak, Costal Road, Bandit Camp, Black Hills, Ogre Pass, or any of the surrounding areas. This is taking into account maybe 4-5 hours of playtime total in these areas, using a much higher level toon vs the mobs so the killing is very fast and the loot is very common.

Otherwise the loot looks pretty nice. I'm not finding as much unequippable stuff and no nuggets in low-level areas. I wonder if anyone would mind fewer bullets and more arrows?

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Post by lordvan52681 »

Myrdyr wrote:I wonder if anyone would mind fewer bullets and more arrows?

I would. the non-bow ranged weapons are rare enough because of lousy drops in the past. if the new system has put them even with bows, i for one am happy

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Post by Throst54 »

yeah, my sling often gets the "weapon ineffective" b/c of its low dmg and i dont find bullets all too often...
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Post by kingfatzo »

Not to bring this up again... but has this revised drop system been put into place yet ? I was finding gold slips and door knobs in the drops in the new Planar areas -- off of drops from rated CR 30's or so.... DUH !!!! This auctually drives me crazy... ok i understand keeping the "uber" items to a minimum in these new areas - it makes perfect sence. but to find stuff in these planar drops that i would find off of a goblin is depressing -- and emerald or diamond would be more cheerful at the least :)

Thanks ! i know.... it will probably take more time, but i figured i would throw this out there.
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Post by shield »

I'll be making another big update to the drop system. Not sure when it will be, but hopefully before next week. Things are looking better, should address a lot of the problems found with the first implementation.

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

more raise dead and resurrection scrolls...we don't even find the once in while's anymore.
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by Elagneros »

Fatzo said what I wanted to, goblin drops on planar creatrues are kinda whack, but as long as the devs are working on it, I'm happy. It seems like a reverse, at first the goblins and stuff were dropping nuggets, now everything's dropping door handles and golden six-sided dice. Probably could cut back a little on the load of scrolls and heal kits too, Elvin's gonna go out of business at this rate and I'm getting lots of Bigby scolls. Like DD1 said, a better drop rate of raise scrolls would be sweet.

Here's another idea: maybe make Varnessikla, Angmar, and Quith'yot somewhat reliable sources of artifact drops, you know maybe a chance of them always or nearly always dropping at least 1 random artifact when killed. Dragons are after all known to collect all sorts of rare and powerful magic items. It would give people a reason to go after them where most people don't really bother with them. Probably would be good to set their respawn to at least a half hour or so so player don't farm them.

And for those who say that's unfair to AO:
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