New loot

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New loot

Post by Silver Lady »

too many scrolls, potions
left NS4 for a few months or maybe forever

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Post by Elagneros »

I'll take 'em then. :twisted:
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

you can never have too many scrolls or potions!... or at least not when you cant normally cast the spell anyways. Scrolls + PM = <3.

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Post by JesterOI »

I would be more than happy to help ppl who need scrolls, my level 30 wiz has ALL the spells except for a few level 2 ones.

Just don't ask me till right after a reset, it's retarded having to wait 30 sec / scroll.
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Post by seriouslynow »

Since they are less of a comodity for my bard I tend to throw them around more. It's kinda fun, never really used bestow curse or blindness/deafness and stuff of the sort before. Altho yes, there certainly are a lot more.

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Post by Metis »

Its not a question if scrolls are useful but we want players to be honest if its to much instead of DM's following people around and seeing what they pick up. Don't get greedy lets make it balanced :)
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Post by Metis »

lordvan52681 wrote:Im liking this new drop system!!! My level 3 bard kills a zombie in the NS sewers. on the remains I get 80 someodd gold, a diamond, a ruby, and 3 gold nuggets...


Dynmi wrote:The new drops are great, I'm actully finding arrows and other very usful potions and such, but I have noticed that I am being flooded with scrolls.

Keep up the good work!

Yes I moved them the lazy way but, keep helpful feedback soming.
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

some obsrevations ive made on the new loot system

1 scrolls my god they drop like rain while im shure mages and others able to use them are happy getting 8 scrolls in one drop is a bit mutch id say decrease its % by half maybe 1/4th

2 buff items (mage armor crystals ect) seem to have dissapered entirely i have found NONE since the switch elangeros (sp) said he found some on a bandit but myself using several toons of diffrent races classes and levels have found none. this might not effect casters mutch but non casters are getting the shaft. these items are esential to a ftr type since they have no spells or the like if they are in the loot system theyre drop rate is 1% or less please look at this and make them drop more like scrolls do now lol

also i saw a previous post about rats dropping nuggets this is a bit mutch for a lowbie so some adjustment as to what levels get what is in order

thats about all i have at this point i havent found any artifacts yet but i do look forward to new gear

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Post by Elagneros »

Well my observations:

I haven't really noticed excessive scroll dropping myself, but then I usually ignore most scroll drops to begin with, so maybe I wasn't paying attention.

Didn't see nuggests on real low stuff, but found a nugget on some bandits in the badlands. I also found a nugget in Ogre Pass, but I didn't think that out of the ordinary, since I found a sarc up there last week before the changes.

The various miscellaneous items were dropping a little bit for me, didn't notice them not dropping at all. And yeah, while they're good for non casters to have, I've hoarded enough of them in my day to have more than I could conveniently hold.

Coffers seem to be dropping a bit more too.

I found an emerald on a goblin. Certainly I think the nuggets, sarcs and more valuable gems shouldn't be dropping until level 10-15 or so.
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Post by lordvan52681 »

me and a team of lowbies were running goblins and orcs. we found enough nuggets to fund an army, not to mention all the gems. got to where we ignored em cause we wanted xp more than gold (I have well over 100k on my lvl 5) and couldn handle the weight.

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Post by JesterOI »

I don't know if it's becaue the drops are brand new, but I actually check every drop now because they're like little boxes of chocolate!

I have to agree that nuggets on <cr10's is a little much.
All the scrolls and potions are great.
I can confirm that I havne't come across many of the items that used to give 3 or 4 charges of mage armor/barkskin/invis/etc.

I think the new drops are great, the only thing that really needs to be checked is the drops for the lower cr's and the low droppage of the etched statues/blue powder type items.

Haven't seen any artifacts yet... Been checking a lot too.
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Post by shield »

Thanks for feedback, I'll be looking into a bit of balancing of the drops tonight when I get home from work. Anyone come across dyes yet?

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New Loot

Post by Charles I »

New drops do seem to be heavy on scrolls, maybe reduce the percentage a bit. I like finding Heal potions in the drops, though creatures will use them even after I KD'em. Found tapestries, golden chalices and a few other miscellaneous items so far. Have only found one dye, peach color for cloth. Nuggets do seem to drop more often.

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Post by blay »

I found some Blue dye.

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Post by GeraldV »

Yeah, got a couple of dyes - cant wait to see my dwarf in red zon queen's armor (hubba hubba).

Two coffers in one drop, too - nice, cos I've been playing ~2 months have seen only one drop proeviously.

I dont play many scroll-users, so seemed like a lot of scrolls to me. They take up less pack than weapons, though, so I'm happy to collect and sell them.
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