I find myself agreeing with Mistress-X and dbosity on this one. Yes, YDB is a great sword, but to get it you have to have killed G1, which is certainly no mean feat, although a decent dragon build can do this relatively easily on its own, for example. But currently it is probably just as simple to get a Triton [censored] sword, so why would you bother with YDB? OK that might have been a bit of an exaggeration hehe
And dbosity's point was well made. There is no shortage of decent +6 or +7 weapons around, and while I have explored most of the world I suspect there will be some weapons for which a suitable 20-30 lvl version doesn't exist, certainly not for all toons... I'm trying to think of a good katana in this range for example... DR's is restricted to sorc/wiz, green destiny is WM only, the Ichor katana is not particularly good, the one from the bottom of the south tower is only a +5 from memory I think (may be wrong here) and am trying to think where else a good katana drops. Then again its possible I have been somewhere where it is a variable random drop and I got something else, so don't flame me for not knowing

And as for a dozen lvl 40 toons, I wish

At the time of the wipe I had 4 lvl 40's, only one of which I played frequently. Mind you, it was a dragon with full NS gear, so he was pretty handy

And being on the other side of the world I do find myself playing solo quite a lot, time differences being what they are. Thats why I favour simply raising the level restriction a little rather than makinig it more difficult to obtain a triton, because there will be plenty of other players who either are not always in a position to play in a party a lot, or who simply prefer to solo...
Once again, just my