Script Problem

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Script Problem

Post by Fargo_Blake_ns3 »

:) ok I'm having problems with this script
#include "TP_TB_I0_RE_INV"

void main()
InitTreasureRespawn(OBJECT_SELF, 48 );

as you can see it si set for a 48 haour respawn time , what is the seting for a 5 sec respawn time ?
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Post by DrakhanValane_ns3 »

I imagine if the value of 1 is 1 hour, 0.0014 should be roughly 5 sec.
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Post by Fargo_Blake_ns3 »

ty :)
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Post by Fargo_Blake_ns3 »

hey I have a new problem , a friend of mine want to do a bookcase script
and what he want I am not sure how to go about it , this is what he asked

Bookcases - I need scripts on the bookcases that will automatically spawn in another book if the toon build book is removed, this way, there is no problems if someone removes the build books from the bookcase, also, if a player takes a book and puts it back, once they close the bookshelf, it will only keep 1 of each book there.

if you cane help do :)
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Post by Pros_ns3 »

Well generally what I might do is OnUsed or OnClick I would run 1 script that has a DestroyObject loop for the inventory of the bookcase and then a CreateObject function to create the book. So the bookcase would first eat whatever was in the bookcase's inventory and spit out the book when some clicked or used the bookcase.


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