
Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
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Post by Oltho »

OK, I was the new player Trent was trying to help out. We were going to raid NS City when we started hitting a ton of traps everywhere. We got a past a lot of them and got near the gates of NS City and won a nice little battle, and hit some traps on the way into the city map. At this point Trent got upset & logged for the night, which sucked for me obviously. Now I have seen Auriel do this before and it is not a huge issue as such with me, but there is a bit of a line you shouldn't cross & it may have been crossed.

The real issue for me though, is not the traps or Trent posting about it, it is the fact that a DM is arguing in a public forum with a quality player, and obviously lying about what happened. I say obviously because chase said there were thousands of traps and then attacked trent when trent changed his story from 100's to 1000's of traps, which chase said himself/herself. This kind of thing is a big red flag in my book to a lack of maturity by the DM in question, and worries me in the manner where I have to wonder what if I piss this DM off? :cry:

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P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

There are few who haven't, lol. Thats why they took away his title as Tyr-God of Justice and gave him Auril-God of Trickery, lol.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

I find it funny that hes been playing Auril for... what? like a month now? In that month he has had more praise/thank yous than he had since I came here as tyr, and he had less complaints lol

P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

True, Auril is just perfect for him. He role-plays him really well, I have no idea what they were thinking when they placed him as Tyr (lol). Just don't overdo it eh Chase?

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Post by Shieldcracker »

I disagree - ham it up, Chase. God of trickery! Woo!

(PS - Change my armor back to being not purple, please. It's hard to be an intimidating barbarian when you have bright purple armor.)

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Post by lordvan52681 »

lol, he did the same to my thief... How am I supposed to sneak up on someone wearing such glaring colors?!?

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Post by Oltho »

P. Fricebottle wrote:True, Auril is just perfect for him. He role-plays him really well, I have no idea what they were thinking when they placed him as Tyr (lol). Just don't overdo it eh Chase?
I totally agree with every bit of this post.

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Post by MasterYoda »

First off i can for one say if you ask him to stop he will....

i was collecting trap makings and i saw that Auril was on ....

I prayed to the DM channle for random trap makings to suddlenly appear and sure enough there were trap makings all in a pile....

I proceed to pick up the trap makings and all of a sudden there are crazy traps all over.....

I know i could have prayed for the traps to go away and he would have but i kept playing like atrooper......

moral of the story .... if it is a DM play along dont get so mad.....

and TRUST ME when i say this ..... there having fun .... if it is really ruining your fun let them know.....

oh yeah and even the bigest whiner of them all havok had screen shots for proof :P
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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