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Post by kerfoot_ns3 »

hey im Namlii Junior you may have seen me around , well i started a new build a 1bard, 10red dragon discple, 7and barbarian, thats it so far now the question comes would it be worth my time to take a few more lvls of bard and tune up my song

my ac is really good i should have an ac of about 70 with the ns gear and an ab of around 60 with damage range of 1-8+15

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Post by kerfoot_ns3 »

so know one has any idea lol 2 views and not an answere :( cmon motre bard or more barbarian lol

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Post by Anonymous_ns3 »

I'm new to this server, but I've been playing for a while. I have a build like that (it's the one im building on this server ironically), but I use fighter insted of barbarian. I've found that, other than adding some more skills, bard offers little in this mix. I recommend going 10-16 with RDD (I usually stop @ 10), and putting the rest into our fighting class. If you want you can ad another level or 2 as bard for skills, but thas about it. let me know what you think.

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Post by Yeti_ns3 »

Go more bard and max out Perform and get lasting inspiration, will help you lots

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Post by hiro_ns3 »

bard is the special love child of the development least 23 bard will give you abilities to tank and boost the party that will blow your mind. focus on bardsong, curse song, and war cry....dont worry about spells.

my two bard/x/x toons ROCK


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Post by Baatazu_ns3 »

yup, bards do rock :) I would go proly go bard16/rrd10/barb14. but thats just me :)

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Post by kerfoot_ns3 »

wow well thnk u much for the info i already finished the bulid pretty much but im considering building a new one witht hese ideas in mind


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