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Post by AggieDan »

Well, I'd like to chime in on this one actually, since it can cause people to not want to participate in faction defending period.

Generally, if someone is raiding and you're a much lower level, then you can still defend your faction by at least making it difficult for the invaders to rest.

One time a guild decided to check out Garagoth to see what could be looted there. So, I took my 22nd level archer to at least make things interesting for them in the interest of role playing and faction defense.

Of the three members of this guild two of them were HiPSing monks, I believe.

At the end of it all I'd pretty much decided not to even bother helping to defend anytime this guild decided they wanted some fun, since MY fun obviously was never part of the equation.

Contrary to their many posts on the subject of late of congratulating themselves for congratulating opponents that helped make things "more fun" I got a big fat nothing. Well, silence and also stripped of every weapon I had. Every melee attack was a virtual spam of disarm attacks. Which, considering even with my focused weapon I couldn't even hit them, seemed kind of like adding insult to injury.

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Post by MLoki »

Just to clear the air... it is Disciple Red that Trent is reffering to and for the most part I only disarm when I am attacked or when I am raiding a city (which usually means I am being attacked) and I always give the weapons back if asked. The level 5 that ran up to me and started attacking me while I was relic raiding got disarmed because he was attacking me! I didn't check his level before disarming and killing him but it did stop him from doing it again. That is the main reason for disarm is to disable an opponent and keep him from hurting you with the big nasty weapon he has. I also steal weapons from people who try to PK me because if they are going to try and ruin my day then I might as well make it cost them something to. Deal with it and move on.


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Post by lordvan52681 »

I just want to try and get this thread on track:

This is NOT an attack on MLoki.
This is NOT a whine post.
This is NOT a request to have Disarm removed.

But like MLoki said, I was low-lvl, and trying to be a "speedbump" against him. I was lvl 7 not lvl 5, but seriously, even maxing Discipline and taking feats to boost it; how much discipline can a lvl 7 have? As for buying multiple weapons; how much money does a lvl 7 have without meta-gaming?

I'm just asking that this be looked at, not for me who could easily have one of my other characters buy a new masterwork steel greatsword, but for the new-guy who just spent all his money upgrading and now has no weapon to get hunt with.

Once again MLoki, Im not attacking you personnally. I know you will return if asked; but will everyone else?

The first response by a new guy is to get mad, and I know for a fact that most ppl who disarm will not give back the weapon if the player gets upset (if they would have in the first place).

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Post by Ragefist »

Same feces, different week on this one. Disarm builds and the grief they cause have been around so long as disarming has been fixed for PvP in NS4. As with many aspects of the server, the Devs and DM's cross their fingers and hope that the majority of players aren't going to abuse the rules to cause aggravation, pain, anal seepage, or other annoying effects to occur.

To the theoretical considerations of disarm vs. real life --


Ok, that's the cheap way out. For argument's sake, I'd say all disarmed weps should hit the floor. Regardless of what Jackie Chan or Yun Phat do in movies, the safest and easiest way to remove an offending weapon from someone else's grasp, even if you are yourself barefisted, is to force the other person to drop it. But, since we're dealing with DnD, most martial arts I've ever seen/partaken of would require a grapple check prior to disarm, and grapple checks are, bar none, some of the most tardedly complicated series of rolls and counter rolls in DnD history.

Personally, I'd like to see crafted locking gauntlets -- Immune to disarm, but with lower stats than gloves or bracers.


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