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Post by trent »

Oh no , not this again lol but really ... Just wondering if there was a way it could be changed to where .. If you managed to kill the guy that dissarmed you could they drop your stolen weapon on respawn? ... seems kinda weird that they get to keep it even though they died. Figuring you could loot the sob and get it back and all. I don't take dissarm cause it seems overpowered and cheap but the poor noobs out there spend time and money trying to get their weapons just to have some sob 20 lvls just run up and take it from them .. wtf ....... Maybe change it to where it drops in the players inv instead of on the ground or in the monks inv ......... a lvl 30+ char dissarming a lvl 5 to me is grieving ... its almost the same as a 30+ lvl pping a lvl 5 except worse cause he didn't just get 5 gold he got the guys weapon and the noob died. Not asking for you guys to take the feat away but maybe give a alittle nerf .....

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Post by Cyrix »

The whole aspect of this game is derived from Dungeons and Dragons and it's supposed to have things related to life. Well...sort of. Say in real life someone disarms you what happens to your weapon? If you said that your enemy has it you are correct. Reason being is that your opponent is not going to give it back or drop it. The weapon is theirs for as long as they want to have. I know diarming sucks, but that is what concentration is for. There is always a way to counter act to someone's special ability.

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Post by lordshelt »

it's a discipline check not a concentration check.
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Post by Kromix »

if you get dissarmed, the best thing to do is ask NICELY for the weapon to be sold back... now if you cant take a disarm right and start whining/cussing/shouting/tantrum in any way the most likely id that the disarmer is going to keep/shopsell the weapon and tell you to shut up... i have been dissarmed and i have dissarmed... i have seldom given the weapon back because of what was recently said... it is a part of the game... deal with it... disarming is also a way to incapasitate the enemy... if you think you are going to be disarmed, then either equip a crappy weapon or use no weapon... now, if some one disarms you, takes the weapon, then offers it back to you and you say keep it... (Storm Kama) then you have no reason to whine al all... you shoudve equiped a mithril kama if you didnt want to loose it... remember you can loose weapons anywhere on pvp map no only on a enemy faction...

disarm is good as it is... it needs no nerfing... it needs strenght to make the check higher, on a dexer that is hard to do...
and like sirus intended to say, it is a discipline check... put points in it... heck even my mage has 45 points total in him... and he still gets disarmed... and what do i do? i got get another staff...
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Post by trent »

I dont think the devs planned on people making suicide monks with uber disp and maxed out hide. .... they know they will lose the fight but can nail a crit dissarm first so yeah they get pked but now have the guys weapon ... what crap. Its taking the limitations of the game engine and using it to threir advantage to gain (steal) new weapons . Your just running along down the road with a smile on your face then BAM! some sob just came out of the shadows dissarms you so you wail them , they die and respawn with your weapon ..... wtf is that?
There should ba a straight up rule agaist that imo...... Its just bad gaming.

You can defend dissarming all you like but when its used to grieve people like that it should be nerfed
Last edited by trent on Wed Feb 08, 2006 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

trent wrote:I dont think the devs planned on people making suicide monks with uber disp. .... they know they will lose the fight but can nail a crit dissarm first so yeah the get pked but now have the guys weapon ... what crap.
There should ba a straight up rule agaist that imo...... Its just bad gaming.

please stop spamming the forums with your whining.....

oh wait trent doesnt whine ... my bad

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Post by lordvan52681 »

I have no problem with disarm, but I dont like that it automatically goes into some ppl's inventory.

Cyrix was wrong about 1 thing, in sword-fights the weapon doesnt go into the enemies hands/invnentory it goes flying across the room. Now if the disarmer is quicker than the one disarmed at getting to the weapon, then alls fair.

I am the one that Trent was alluding to, not himself. He is alot more vocal than me and so everyone knew that he was disarmed wheras only the one who disarmed me and trent knew that I was. I have no problems with getting my weapon knocked across the room right before Im beheaded by an opponent 20-30 lvls higher, but to have no chance at all to keep my weapon, I dont know...

Ive killed and been killed by nearly every good player on this server; its just a fact of life here. I want to make sure it's known that this is not a whine, or a complaint, just a thought that maybe disarm should be tweaked a bit.

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Post by $chase$ »

i think it should be tweaked 2. so it waorks faster
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by lordshelt »

I do like weapons dropping to the ground rather than inventory also and always have thought that made much more sense.
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Post by KST_HAVOK »

but you think like this the only time a weapon goes into inventory is when your useing unarmed combat.....

makes sense... if a high level monk comes up to you and disarms you then he would naturally take it mabey holster if or use it to kill you ...

go watch a jakie chan movie then tell me it should drop LOL

as far as disarming i usually let it stay there till the fight is over cause then the avarage naab will run around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to find one in his inventory or to find the one that was dropped

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Post by Zaranthys Rivermoon »

Cyrix wrote:The whole aspect of this game is derived from Dungeons and Dragons and it's supposed to have things related to life. Well...sort of. Say in real life someone disarms you what happens to your weapon? If you said that your enemy has it you are correct. Reason being is that your opponent is not going to give it back or drop it. The weapon is theirs for as long as they want to have. I know diarming sucks, but that is what concentration is for. There is always a way to counter act to someone's special ability.

Actually, in RL, having one's melee weapon disarmed results mostly in dropping it to the ground ....
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Post by Kromix »

the only time the weapon goes into inventory is when a monk does the barehanded disarm... and because it's barehanded... where u think it should go? it's not knocked out by another object, but wresled out their hands... and a str monk has advantages and disadvantages...

now what i think dissarm should do is if the weapon was disarmed by another weapon, it should fly off a bit farther, so there is a race time to go get the weapon...
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Post by DeputyDog »

Maybe it should be changed so that if you die you lose an item to a player. This would put some hurt on pvp. Of course it would promote newbie killing evenmore.
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Post by Cyrix »

I don't see anything wrong with disarming because I have been disarmed before while playing and I know it sucks, but hey what are you going to do? The only thing I can say is you better buy extras for your inventory because you never know when it's going to happen. That could be one way of counter acting a loss on your end also I have mentioned it before....put points into your character's discipline(thanks Bane for correcting me) in discipline.


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Post by Death Dealer1 »

learn from the old school players once again...multiple weapons of different damage types...multiple shields of different damage immunities. quick slot them both and kill others as they need it.


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