
Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
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Post by lordvan52681 »

You know, your words might hold more weight if you didnt lie and/or leave out details every time you spoke. I'm getting tired of hearing how noone from the brethren defends when everyone who knows my characters knows that I defend EVERY TIME I AM ON!

I defended when my only character was a lvl 14 barbarian vs Redrums lvl 30 something. I defend now when the best player I have is a lvl 26 sorcerer vs Chase's lvl 40 monk/SD. I DEFEND REGARDLESS!

If you want to taunt, at least use the truth.

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Post by Kromix »

then get yourself known... we DO say jain and mamba show up... so far they are the only ones weve noticed... and we respect them a great deal for doing so... you need more interaction maybe? i do notice you DO love going against my lowbies... and that's the wrong interaction, because it stacks you right next to elangy over there... try going against our highbies more often... you might get a spot right next to mamba and celorn ;)

oh and pay more attention... havoks last post in this thread... he does mention them as doing something, not sitting back...
and look at this thread...
just examples...

shall i say... "j00 g0t Pwn3d" ?
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TGPO wrote: Call me a nazi all you want [...] it wont change the way I approach things.

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

lordvan52681 wrote:You know, your words might hold more weight if you didnt lie and/or leave out details every time you spoke. I'm getting tired of hearing how noone from the brethren defends when everyone who knows my characters knows that I defend EVERY TIME I AM ON!

I defended when my only character was a lvl 14 barbarian vs Redrums lvl 30 something. I defend now when the best player I have is a lvl 26 sorcerer vs Chase's lvl 40 monk/SD. I DEFEND REGARDLESS!

If you want to taunt, at least use the truth.

Dont get us wrong cause we are real cool about commending people about there defenses....

I personally dont really pay attention to loggin names annd if you are one of those Defenders who allways come then kudos to you...

In a RP sense as well whenever ANYONE raids sleeth and me and kromix are on they shout out "HEY SLEETH WE JUST BURNED YOUR CITY TO THE GROUND" all we hear is crap talking and when we GET there to defend people either have left or talk crap about how we cant defend cause we couldnt get there.


and funny as this seems ... y does noone have a problem with it when other people do it .. i have seen many people in game defending us and there our enimies. "IF IT WASNT KST YOU GUYS WOULD NOT SAY A THING" is one i have yeard or vise versa....

people have grown accustomed to complaining about kst even thogh other people do the same thing....

we hunt noobs --- so does ander cain
we talk crap about people------ so do okies
we disarm and kill ---- so does all the SMART pkers

so basicly we RP everything we are evil get over it.

Mabey you should park a toon in your city for defenses so you can log out and log back in...

and as far as you saying "well we have better things to do than defend"
What are you going to log on a defender and yell ion shout " HEY GUYS I HAVE MY DEFENDER ON COME RAID????" thats just retarded.....

We even yell it out as we are OPN the way to give people a chance to get there.

And to all you people saying WE JUST WANT TO LEVEL well we would too but whenever we log on lobies ANDER CAIN decides he wants to kill them so we just play high level chars now....and untill level 40 is attainable pking and gear running is all there is left.......




man people its a fricking game....just play and have fun


this is not a whine just putting this in here since i know half of you out there are about to make a post about how kst whines... this is just how it is here

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

ok, this whole thing got started when a very new person to the server got messed up in a style they weren't accustomed to. it happens now and again on here. think of it as starting a list of ppl you are going to get even with. don't be discouraged if someone is raiding the town you live in and decide to kill everything that moves. it will get better. oh......and stop whining KST :wink: :twisted:

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Post by lordvan52681 »

I have made myself known. Only been here about 2 months and half the server knows me and has teamed with me more tan once.

As for killing your lowbies Kromix, I do it to you for the same reason you do it to me.

In-game Kromix quote "I kill him because he is a tagged toon."

Our guilds are "at war" with each other. If i see you, I attack. I dont wait to check lvl, I attack. (the exception being if I am playing a lowbie that I have no confidence in yet- takes time for me to adjust t different types of characters).

If you wanna call out Elagneros, go ahead. He is a big boy and can more than defend against you if he so chooses (the fact that he chooses to instead ignore you may mean that he has matured more than the both od us). But dont call me out on another persons actions.

OK, done ranting. Please continue =)

How is any of this relevant to my guild?
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Post by Elagneros »

Why do I not taunt on Shout? Because it comes close to abusing Shout. You guys want to talk trash on Shout until a DM muzzles you, fine. Don't expect me to do the same.

I pk Kromix and Havok's noobs. Boo hoo hoo. They have a history of pking lowbies. I'm just giving it back to them.

If I'm busy XPing or hunting equipment over on the other side of the map, I'm not going to drop everything I'm doing on some half-assed attempt to defend Neversummer because Kromix and Havok are in the mood for a tussle. Depending on where I am, they could very well be gone by the time I get back, in which case I've likely wasted 10 or 20 minutes of my time. Besides, getting xp or equipment to better a character make the character stronger, which is in the bast interest of my faction over the long run.

I'm whining? I don't see any posts where I'm complaining about KST invading NS City. I DO see a lot of posts however from Kromix and Havok complaining that they want a fight and that they're not getting their own way. I also see Kromix bitching on his guild board about me deleting a post on my guild board that was nothing more than a personal insult. If you're going to be foolish enough to post personal attacks about me on a board which I moderate, expect this sort of thing to happen.
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Post by Celorn »

Elagneros wrote:Why do I not taunt on Shout? Because it comes close to abusing Shout. You guys want to talk trash on Shout until a DM muzzles you, fine. Don't expect me to do the same.

That is the reason people hate KST, cuz they're the 'loudest and proudest' guild and they seem to cause a a lot of shouting to occur. Maybe if they would ACTUALLY RP they'd realize that shouting is NOT RP but actually metagaming.

If I'm busy XPing or hunting equipment over on the other side of the map, I'm not going to drop everything I'm doing on some half-assed attempt to defend Neversummer because Kromix and Havok are in the mood for a tussle. Depending on where I am, they could very well be gone by the time I get back, in which case I've likely wasted 10 or 20 minutes of my time. Besides, getting xp or equipment to better a character make the character stronger, which is in the bast interest of my faction over the long run.

True enough, although i've missed a raid or two because i turned shout off and was focusing on something else... and yeah, I really want to relog a NS toon that isn't designed for PvP but the only builds I have that stand a chance, it's so fun to stand around with a bigby on getting horrids and igms tossed at me YAY fun... unless others are going to help, i'm not gonna even bother trying to defend solo until I have a build that can do it.

I'm whining? I don't see any posts where I'm complaining about KST invading NS City. I DO see a lot of posts however from Kromix and Havok complaining that they want a fight and that they're not getting their own way. I also see Kromix bitching on his guild board about me deleting a post on my guild board that was nothing more than a personal insult. If you're going to be foolish enough to post personal attacks about me on a board which I moderate, expect this sort of thing to happen.

Yep, didn't you know??? Neversummer4 is for one purpose only now: to entertain krombag and havlock... if the big bullys aren't entertained by dms, they go and beat up on others, and complain over shout like big babies if they don't get their playtime. It's like okies, but A LOT MORE NOISE!

to kst:

If you guys want to have a good fight, then try announcing your attack earlier so you can actually have a force to give you a challenge, when you're picking us off unbuffed or unready, one by one, how can that be any fun for you?

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Post by MLoki »

Just a question... but isn't it rather unsporting and even against NS4 commandments to call anybody n00b or other deragatory names in shout. To me it seems like harrasment and the fist NS4 commandment is.

I. Thou shalt not abuse the Shout channel by cursing, blaspheming, or harrassing messages of any kind. This Realm is inhabited by both children and grandparents, moderate your language appropriately.

I know other people have been banned for breaking NS4 rules why is this still allowed to persist and the not enforced?


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Post by WarFalcon »

NS4 is losing people both new and old.


Mean-spirited behavior is tolrated

RP people are edged out because they are just punching bags for PK types

Discussion of the problem is quashed

NS4 is a great world. But how can you enjoy it when the culture of the server is aimed solely at building PK builds. Who has time to RP factions or do anything enjoyable when its just a jungle where new people and RP folks have to bow down to those who want nothing but PK?

The finest mansion will stay empty if it develops a stink nobody can stand.

Really look at what people are saying in these posts

What will the PK types do when nobody comes here to be ther punching bags? What will they do when even other PK types wont log on because they dont get left alone lonog enough to build a decent character? Whats the point of all the beautiful zones and the factions and the plot elements and such when theres nobody to enjoy it?

Nobodys asking for a rules change. Or one line of code to be written. This is about behavior. Its about where the culture of NS4 is headed. At this point its a testament to the quality of the NS4 world that people care enough to even try to discuss the matter.


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Post by $chase$ »

i for 1 have had enough of the personal attacks on the forums..from ALL sides.

if you dont like PK this mod is HUGE, pk happens mostly around a char on the other side of this HUGE mod and stop complaining.

if you know the history of NS4 you would know that we came out strong died down and are back to strong..and the rules are still the same.

we may loose players. we may gain players. not everyone likes the same things in life, BUT this mod is big enough to ALL get along.

ill say this 1 last time......THIS MOD IS BIG ENOUGH TO ALL BE ABLE TO PLAY..i know for a fact that there are towns and areas that hardly ever get raided. try living there

you dont need to live in dont need to lvl on the mountain. to play NS4..

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Post by Elagneros »

$chase$ wrote:if you dont like PK this mod is HUGE, pk happens mostly around a char on the other side of this HUGE mod and stop complaining.

I have nothing against pking. I just don't like doing it every time I'm on. The thing that is annoying is that people attack LA simply because they want to fight, and that they don't bother going anywhere else. That's because maybe they don't know how to get to other cities, or because LA's proximity to Avendell and its ferry to Frostdale, not to mention its comically weak guards make it the easiest city in the module to invade.
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Post by KST_HAVOK »

and we have done this before and we have announced that we are go0ing to be heading to NS and sure enough ...... noone still comes


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