regarding the new summons ...

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regarding the new summons ...

Post by Kromix »

ok i was wondering if there is an xp penalty still from a summon kill. I know i have killed people before and they have told me that they did not loose anything FROM being killed by my summon. Also i have killed people with my summon while DMs were on and i never got in trouble or nothing.

just looking for some clarafacation

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Post by skiritai »

-Planar summons receive a stat bonus for the following subraces. Aasimar, Tiefling, Githzerai, Air Genasi, Earth Genasi, Fire Genasi and Water Genasi.
-Planar summons will receive a stat bonus when cast by a Cleric with either Good or Evil Domain Power feats.

I had a question also. Let's say that you had an Aasimar Cleric, with Good as a Domain. Would these bonuses stack, then?

Thank you.

(PS LOVE the work you guys have done so far. Cheers.)

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I've never really had a mage, but I've been killed by a summon before and it made me really mad because I had just partied with him the night before. I didn't risk losing xp and gold from respawn, so I had to wait about 20 minutes for a raise. I've heard that the summon killings have been fixed to no xp and gold loss, but then I've also heard that it isn't fully fixed from other sources. Could we get an answer here please?

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Post by Dynmi »

Recently I have lost xp/gold from a summon kill.

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

i think its a so so issue. sometimes you lose sometimes you don't.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

i lost experience when your skelly killed my lowbie yesterday, so Id say yes it still does.

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Post by Zing »

Perhaps we can have a gentlemans agreement not to kill other players with Summons at the present time? Of course if this is too hard I could disable the summons until we're sure we've got it right, but I don't think any of us want that.

The xp thing will be looked into some more.

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Post by Celorn »

Well, i don't see a problem with LOGGING if you're gonna die by someone's summons... I don't need to lose another 1600xp thanks.

I have tested it within the Brethren testing labs and lost XP every time (was a much quicker way to downlevel then running naked into arctic wolves).

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

Celorn wrote:Well, i don't see a problem with LOGGING if you're gonna die by someone's summons... I don't need to lose another 1600xp thanks.

I have tested it within the Brethren testing labs and lost XP every time (was a much quicker way to downlevel then running naked into arctic wolves).

Crazy as it sounds i had done the same with a friend and he never lost xp..... if my summon kills you please tell me and i will raise with oone hp and rekill you...... f you try to heal and attack back then all bets are off :D


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