Thought it should be mentioned...

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Thought it should be mentioned...

Post by Donan »

before i start, this has NOTHING to do with pk or anything about it.

i saw something happen couple times today that i thought was, in my mind, unreasonable. so i see 2 people fightin one disarms the other then after the disarm stops fighting and picks up his weapon..not the one that was disarmed.. picks up his opponents weapon then resumes fighting. it has not happened to me but just doesnt seem right. even if you disarm people and plan to keep their weapons at least WIN the fight first. i think i can make a powerhouse fighter that can disarm and have enough hp to get the weapon before i die, of course it wont work against everyone but but if i die trying no loss to me, but if i get their weapon and still die i still loos nothin but get a nice new weapon.

im not sure if weapons r returned after performing that action so i thought to ask :?:

i know if you r defending u can get a drop from another pc and that seems very reasonable but imo this doesnt.

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Post by Lework »

this is why its good to have a backup.

Hipsers have often disarmed my mage and stolen my staff. Its annoying, but not much you can do about it.

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Post by Donan »

nah i have no prob with disarm and take it i just think you should actually win the fight 1st..

ah well wont make a diff anyways

/end rant :lol:

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Post by Lokey »

Disarmed weaps are supposed to drop into their owner's inventory, not to the ground. Suspect a patch changed something, sigh.
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Post by deathdearler1 »

i think the only disarmed weapons i've seen drop into their owners inventory is when i disarm mobs. other than that mine always hits the ground.
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Post by JesterOI »

I don't see a problem with picking up their weapons so as to deny usage of that weapon till the end of combat.
If the fight is won then keep it.
If the fight is lost then give it back.

Simple as that.
Anyone who takes a disarmed weapon and doesn't give it back if they lose should have their account name posted for everyone else to see so everyone else can lay some mob rule justice down on them over and over.
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Post by Donan »

well said :D

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Post by lordshelt »

I have always been a big fan of disarm and the thought that a disarmed weapon always going into a players inventory makes me ill at best.
First and foremost it makes no logical sense, ok i smack your sword out of your hand and it goes tumbleing through the air and somehow lands in your backpack. all I can say is WOW. if you don't like being disarmed and haveing it hit the ground then increase your discipline.
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I dunno

Post by DarkValthonis »

On one hand it would suck to lose your brand new imbued rapier or whatever through a disarm, but on the other hand if your going to get pk'd or are pk'n then just equip a differant weapon, or have a backup.

I think it is alot more sensible to have disarmed weapons fall onto ground, it makes the battle seem more realistic and strategic as to what can hapen and how to counter you enemy.

If you ask nicely, most people will give it back, if not, stock up and go get another baby, its Neversummer people, adventures are unlimited lol. :P

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Post by Donan »

ah well i guess i should leave it alone but.... i like disrm but i think it should work both ways, if u disarm someone no it shouldnt reappear in their backpack but if you looking at real world case you shouldnt be able to just pick up your oppenants weapon while she is bashing you in the back without any result, thats my only input on it..

like everything else making the weapon appear in your backpack is only way to prevent people from exploiting and makin chars for that single purpose. otherwise ill make fight/rogue/sd and disarm everyone take their weapon, etc...

i still stand by my comments, u take it if u win..if u disarm in combat and able to pick up their weapon fine and good but if you cant win the fight i dont think you should be able to keep it.. i cant imagine how impossible it is to script it perfectly and very few people will exploit it if done any other way but i think just a few people choosing that way of action will aggrivate everyone :twisted:

btw if you ever fight me and disarm, and you can kill me then take my weapon i wont say a word about it :o

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Post by DarkValthonis »

some form of script would have to be in put in place to make everyone happy, but no doubt there will be more bugs and problems ariseing, as when ever one problem is fixed 2 come to take its place lol

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Post by Insane1974 »

lol i always give iteams back i could careless if it is something real nice if i want one i go get it myself

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Post by JesterOI »

Imbued Rapiers are the most common imbued type weapon.
Have only 2 on my mule now but that's because I sold the other 8 to make room for other stuff.
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