Is it me or do we need to reset to higher lvl's

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Is it me or do we need to reset to higher lvl's

Post by Ryddwillow »

I understand the situation of the server transitions to Texas but nobody is here anymore. What do the DM"s do when u have 5 to 7 ppl per 1 server? Or 1 person (like myself) per server, never used to be that way hmmmmm. I think what happened before was an isolated situation and i witnessed the whole thing and was not involved (1st for somethings for those who know my characters hehe) We the players need maybe a lil upgrade i have been here since march of 2004 and still am having fun. resetting the servers will be the same as having a lvl 25 char as a 40th lvl and pking ppl but you get more of a draw w/ the 40th lvl chars is all.
Is that what u are after? I know im not on everybodies favorite list but i get good sleep at night and this game had more class when the higher lvl char's where around. I still like the game -- but a resetting to 40th lvl and maybe a HINT of an upgrade would be great-- I think this is the best game going and still is ( And maybe we the players could get some info soon PLZ). Well i have spoken my peace and the rest is up to u.

Thank you for listening to me Ryddwillow, Dedrumada, and many more

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Post by Arashi »

The list of things this place needs would take up a novel sized post...#1 on the list tho is "People that actually work on the content, and actually put it online when its finished"

If the lead dev of this server is A) too busy, B) too lazy, or C) both. He should either appoint someone to do the job for him, or simply shut this place down for good...a static server might as well not exist.

NS is a big world, but I dont know what else the devs expected to happen once people ran through it all...there is only so much to do, and once youve done that what else are you supposed to do if they never add anything?


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Post by Alrahur »

Just get the wipe and give accounce its safe to play and enjoy and people can flock in, another reason is probabloy WoW as many mention how great game it is, continue molding it as its live. Also i have question when NS4 is live that means NS3.5 goes offline, shouldnt that then mean probably most of those move to NS4 just my tough.

Arashi you got very negative tone, why would server be up and news accounce that new servers arrived, beta test end date etc. if they were planning to not continue doing stuff? You know even those who work for you free to give content and stuff can sometimes need a break, sure it can be told for others to make clear they are off duty for a while or leave for good. But still my main question is why would servers be up if there wasnt future plans? So your comments wont really add any pleasure to anyone do anything, increase try cheer. :wink:

-off topic

And i have seen many good projects die for taking too much in one bite and by so update never came and in the end after people start to leave community decided to not even release latest version.

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Post by Arashi »

>>You know even those who work for you free to give content and stuff can sometimes need a break<<

Ive been a player here for like 9 months now, and in that time the server has seen 2 updates, the first one merely added snoring and blindness to resting. The second had about 10% of the stuff listed as being in it actually in it. There is a rather large difference between taking a break and doing next to nothing for next to forever.

>>why would servers be up if there wasnt future plans?<<

Why are there websites out there that are still up and running, that havent seen an update in years, and most likely never will again?

>>And i have seen many good projects die for taking too much in one bite and by so update never came and in the end after people start to leave community decided to not even release latest version.<<

You pretty much just described NS4 in that sentance...updates are virtually non-existant, 90% of the long-time players have moved on, and Im doubtfull if many of them will ever return.

Take a look through the official announcements board...noticed the date on the official changes log? That was posted in is now late January, and how many of the changes listed in there are in place? Oh, and lets not forget the giant step backwards this place took when they imposed the level 25 cap, making most of the long-time players characters void...I myself have a few characters sitting on my account that I cant even sign on with thanks to the level cap, and I know several people that have numerous useless characters now because of it.

Ive logged on several times since the servers have been put back online, and NS4 is a mere shadow of what it once was...0-5 players on at any given time...almost all are new to the server...used to be 20+ on at almost any time of the day or night...most of which were regulars...several active clans/guilds...not anymore...



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