A mind blowing idea!

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A mind blowing idea!

Post by Arashi »

How about updates...of any kind...

Its been 2 months now since the 'NS4 change log' was posted...stating "The following changes have actually been coded but waiting on implementation for a good long while" yet nothing has actually been changed...

I love the NS4 server, but in the last few weeks I have noticed that almost every high level player pretty much ends up quitting NS except for a handfull of diehards...and talking to a few of the diehards I have noticed that most of them are getting about to the same point...

As the server stands right now there is basically no point in advancing past level 20 aside from PvP play, and there are only so many times you can fight the same 5-6 level 40 players in a row before you flip out and turn into another Nomius.

This server has some awesome potential, but I fear that if something doesnt change soon its going to end up losing most of its player base to other servers.

Anyways...guess I'lll go back and kill a few thousand more rats...


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Post by Anro d'Jinn »

Hard words but true, well while we're at it might as well go to town...

Been playing ns 4 since umm January (just got nwn when i came bak from iraq or wouldve been playing sooner). Nothing has changed since... except the constant rotation of people that chose to stay or go... it's been said pvp isnt' why this was created but honestly it's all that's left... like most iv'e made almost every kind of build i could think of, in every faction, know every area thouroughly to the point where i can take a lvl 1 nothing sorc to lvl 30+ uber badness in 3-5 days just for the hell of it..

which by the way the weapons in here may adhere to most dnd standards but veerrrryyy few meelee builds can stand up to even a halfway decent sorc 1v1, flame away but that's how it is, weapons are way too underpowered, which reduces some chars to complete worthlessness... the answer isn't to underpower casters but to empower meelee, more weapons like the hammmer o doom and such, wtf is a dc 18, lvl 16 weapon going to accomplish? Even if a 1 is rolled most will easily double that save.

1 more point is this, if you aren't going to update anything or something is coming up to where you can't work on this project for ummm, let's say months, then tell us we won't be expecting any damn thing new! Popping in every few months and saying "Hey this and this is going to change" or "Hey get prepared for a wipe", because it generally gets hopes up just to crush em'. NS is a very dedicated community (fairly obvious) so plz give us at least some respect in that aspect.....

"Doing this and this isn't helping us playtest anything" another common phrase thown around by those above, every hak, bug, anything is almost immediatly reported, every faction and class you can think of are played, information is freely given, so if you have any questions at all about in game u got dozens of people to give an immediate answer.

No not a flame at all but these are the little quirks and happenings that make up ns, either way i'll still be on like i always am =-\ , btw the mountain has been almost constantly broken for almost 2 weeks now...... good for about 20 mins after server reset then falls to crap...

Well while we at it who's got the most ungainly amount of char's developed in to decent levels? Got about 20 chars but these r the ones fairly developed....


Yeah about time to exact a terrible vengence upon the rats as well... >=-\

Flame away

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Post by Gizamaluke »

I am forced to agree with everything thats been stated here... while I havent been on this server as long and Anro Ive still been here since July and can say the only thing that has changed since I started playing here is the location of avendel on the servers.

Unlike many of the players who now frequent NS I (apparently foolishly) read the information provided and was under the assumption we were actually beta testers called upon to assist in the development of a potentially fantastic persistent world by reporting bugs found in the world makeup and scripts.

Its become painfully obviouse of late that we are not thought of in any way as beta testers as such even when a bug is discovered we no longer even report it.

Balance in the server is non existent... Sorcerers rule everything that can be created on this servers without even trying.

The Severely stacked Slash resist and the standardized immunity package on the armor available leads me to beleive someone harbors a phobia regarding sharp objects, which of course renders all but a preciouse few weapons pointless.

Player killers run rampant throughout Neversummer city and server 2 without so much as a blink from any of the powers that be (with exceptions) FORCING the players themselves to take matters into their own hands.

The last news heard regarding progress being made on the module is 2 months old without anything heard since from a developer or even a dungeon master concerning the state of progress. Every day some old school player pops in and poses the ever popular question : have the devs added anything new??

The server is stagnant. The player numbers are in decline. Malcontent is rising.

The real question here is: Does anyone who can do something about it really care?

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Post by Beergoth »

I have to agree that playing straight melee is very difficult on this mod. I have always played a fighter or rogue on the other server I played for 2 years but here was near impossible without a party. Gobos could stun me at lvl 14, hehe. So I made a magic user (for the first time) to combat some of the weaknesses of the fighter and find out that I am creating a cheese build. To tell you the truth it is a must when you play by yourself alot like I do. How do you create balance? That is a good question. When you change one thing to create balance you disrupt several others it seems. Working and running a mod is a pain in the rear, I know because I did it for one year then gave it up because of all the BS. I also agree to not post changes if they are not going to take affect and if a break is needed for the builders or builder then post it. Beleive me, most will understand and those who don't, then screw them. My hats off on the creation of this mod so far. All the custom script that is involved is impressive and I will be patient as far as changes go.
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Post by Purgatory973 »

ya ill be going away for a while, ill check back, but im just to god damn bored on this server nowadays. ill check in a few times a week maybe.
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Post by Arashi »

I see the Devs are MIA as usual...

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Post by Ragefist »

Well, it IS a little much to ask a dev to pop in all the time to tell you what is up, but read the main page sticky, peeps!

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Post by Arashi »

Im hardly asking for a blow-by-blow of the Devs daily lives...it would be nice to get at least a little feedback on the subject though...

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Post by nargileh »

Gizamaluke wrote:Its become painfully obviouse of late that we are not thought of in any way as beta testers as such even when a bug is discovered we no longer even report it.

Well ask yourself how long ago was the broken spawn issue reported?
Isn't this the single biggest prob on the mod? If no fixes are being made to an annoying problem like this, then why should we bother to report other bugs???

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Post by meatbean »

I agree whole heartedly. I have been playing ns4 beta since the first day. I played ns3 for several months befor that to get a feal for the lay of the land. I'm another one joining the ranks of the "I'll check in now and then crowd" because (1). my account is filled with characters, at least 15 I think. (2) theres only so much you can do after lvl 20 even with the lvl cap, (3) I have to agree that sorcs and wiz's rule, and I like to play mainly melee characters, (4) it appears that asside from the lvl cap, this server will never get any more content added even though they say it is ready to implement. Really I could go on and on but what would be the point? The only thing that keeps me around is the fading hope that beta will be done soon :roll: , and the people who play on ns4. I like all of the old faithfull players. Until some progress is made, Im going looking for another mod to play. Peace my brutha's from another mutha!
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Post by Kromix »

same as meatbean... played NS3 north before and after the merger to south... played NS4 since the first day... i remember the huge party raids we used to do to other servers resulting in a retreat or total chaos because we where all level 5ish with basic gear :D

...but now after a few chars and playing... and seeing the the few changes was the blindness and snoring added... the character moving equip bug, and a few other where made... and now with a level 21 sorcerer/sd i am bored... sure is halfway trough but leveling gets too tedious after...

...so what i'm doing it to visit NS one in a while to check for the new zones... in the meantime i'll be at Mz's Aantioch server...

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Post by meatbean »

I started playin on Aantioch today. Probably see a few of you there. By-the-way, my character name there is Misfit.
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Post by Alrahur »

Well i think generally people wont really mind starting char that has quarantee for wipe, you can play for a while knowing you get wiped eventually, but i personally atm wait to see NS4 to move from beta test to live and still gain some updates, but not to have same wipe announce back of my head, sounds stupid but decrease the wish to but energy and effort to your character.

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Post by Arashi »

At the speed they have been moving on NS4 dont expect the beta to end before NWN2 comes out...

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Post by meatbean »

I probably wont be back then. It's a shame really. NS4 was looking so cool. I'm back to my old server, Dor Maeglin.
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