cleric restrictions

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Post by Spura »

The problem of that system is that spell that cause most problems aren't aligment specific, like divine favor

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Post by Souldin »

Gizamaluke wrote:I am forced to agree with both ATI and Kong on this one. Clerics by and large originaly were intended perhaps moreso then any other class for the roleplay aspect of DnD being the advocates and elite of their respective religions. TnT clerics are a nightmare on all fronts and in almost any aspect you can come up with... however as ATI has stated they are far from invincible by any stretch of the imagination. Cleric are the healers and the spreaders of their faiths and beleifs. Not Death machines.

And I do beleive it prudent to mention that im speaking from the perspective of a Trickery and Travel Domain cleric. And I can tell you that the power you gain from these domains coupled with decent choiced feats creates a VERY difficult to beat build.

I am not in favor of a server full of TnT clerics from all factions.

I would put forth this suggestion if it hasnt already been made:

If not restricted by the deity they have chosen to serve then restrict them by the faction they have chosen. Example:

A) Clerics of the Shadow Legion are allowed Evil and Death

B) Mystral Ascendency Clerics are allowed Magic and Trickery

C) Northern Coalition Clerics are allowed Good and Sun

D) The Circle Clerics are allowed Animal and an element of their choice?

E) Last Alliance Clerics are allowed Travel and war.

F) Ancient Ones.....? need to think about that one

G) Ragnars kin clerics are allowed Protection and ???

I realize that the dev have already thought of something very simmilar to this concept but have not yet fully implimented it yet. I would also point out that the way I have set up the factions in this example Trickery and Travel Clerics have no become impossible. forcing clerics to choose domains and perhaps play into the roles they have chosen for once.
The above suggestion is also of course open to all kinds of changes and tweaking to fit the best formula of balance to make Neversummer a DIVERSE and unique playing experience for ALL classes and ALL factions.

I welcome constructive criticism and suggestions on this from anyone.

~ Giz

I think this idea would solve some problems.
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Post by Denort »

Souldin wrote:I think this idea would solve some problems.

Unfortunately it would almost completely eliminate what little variety clerics in a given faction have already. If faction limitations on domains are to be implemented on a broad scale, provide each faction with multiple combination options.

Take the Circle as an example. Currently they are limited to animal and plant. Why should clerics of nature not be able to take the Sun domain or any or the four elemental domains. Since the Circle is all about maintaining "balance" in the world, they should also accept clerics who have paired up the domains Good and Evil and maybe even clerics who have paired the domains Heal (life) and Death.

So clerics of the circle could have any combination of;
Plant, Animal, Sun, Air, Earth, Fire and Water
Good and Evil together
Heal and Death together

A reasonably in theme restriction but there are still over 20 domain combinations available. A similar thing could be done over all factions allowing killer combinations like Trickery and Travel to be split but still keeping a wide variety of options open to clerics.

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Post by Wiliestrogue »

I got this great idea!!

Why don't we all become lvl 1 fighters and just go kill rats.....FOREVER!!

Keep nerfing and tweeking and you'll keep having to nerf and tweek. It's a vicious circle of death and destruction. Ok...maybe a little melodramatic. There are many of us designers who have seen and been through this before.

If you want a bunch of greatsword wielding lvl 40 fighters why don't you save yourselves all this trouble and just eliminate all other classes.

The only reason the TnT Cleric is so tough right now is because you created your own monster. There will always be a monster, some other class that is slightly tougher than all others. On any other server a TnT cleric is an average build. When the game is left alone there are 6 or 7 uber builds that can compete with each other. I doubt you will come close to that number with all the tweeking, but you'll keep trying, and trying, and trying. I don't know about you but I hate wasting my time.

Clerics are tough guys but a fighter can take em down..oh wait we nerfed the fighter. I guess we have to nerf the cleric now too. Wizards are tough guys but a cleric can take em down...oh wait we nerfed the clerics. I guess we have to nerf the wizard too. Rogues are tough guys but a wizard can take em down...oh wait we nerfed the wizard. I guess we have to nerf the rogue too.

Anybody catching on yet? Leave it alone. By trying to balance out everything your only gonna unbalance it. Oh...and NS4 will never leave Beta either.

The Wiliest Rogue


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