Anyone miss Ns3 gameplay?

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Anyone miss Ns3 gameplay?

Post by -=Hawk=- »

Is it me or do u guys miss the NS3 style gameplay.... it seems like there are a million restrictions in ns4.... and everything is so... just plain and boring and all the same. i dont know i just miss it i wish ns4 would change a bit. if u do miss it, i suggest checking this out, so so so many people moved from ns3 to this server its the same kind of gameplay,but better balanced, and past lvl 21+ a lot more uber :lol: anyways check it out people see if u like it, if u do play both like i do :lol:
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Post by lord_modred »

actually... ns4 is alot more like PnP D&D... you wont find a weapon that does 2d6 damage of every element type in a GOOD dnd game. ns3 was just a hack n slash... nothing more, what i miss is the quality of PEOPLE that were present in ns3... the people who currently dwell in ns4 are generally a bunch of cockbites and whiners...
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Post by Artanis »

cockbites? :o
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Post by AndrewCarr »

I miss the variety of items in ns3. Having plain weapons is kinda boring, and not having dyes or being able to use armorcrafting to change item appearance(and just that, perhaps without a need to put skill pts in, just gold) sorta compounds the issue. I think most people are pretty happy when their character looks menacing, and i myself sorta like when my character's items fit together, and when he looks humble, which makes beating the darth vader look alikes so much more fun :D

So yeah, besides a smaller playerbase, i miss the variety in items. Fleshing out quests and the lore and the areas would be nice too, but i'm pretty sure that'll happen at some time or another, so i'm not so worried about that problem.
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Post by Denort »

AndrewCarr wrote:I miss the variety of items in ns3. Having plain weapons is kinda boring, and not having dyes or being able to use armorcrafting to change item appearance(and just that, perhaps without a need to put skill pts in, just gold) sorta compounds the issue. I think most people are pretty happy when their character looks menacing, and i myself sorta like when my character's items fit together, and when he looks humble, which makes beating the darth vader look alikes so much more fun :D
Has any explanation been provided as to why the craft armour and weapon skills have been removed?
If I remember right, the default craft armour and weapon skills only allow you to create non magical equipment so its not like they would replace the NS4 crafting system. All they really allow you to do is customise the way your equipment looks.

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Craft Armor/Weapon Exploit

Post by satantrik »

I imagine it was disabled because of the HUGE exploit that existed in the original script to 1) copy the item being crafted and 2) change your armor anyway you wanted for free.

I won't reveal the details because you can still do it in NS3 (I believe), but this might be the reason.

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Re: Craft Armor/Weapon Exploit

Post by LadyCheron »

satantrik wrote:I imagine it was disabled because of the HUGE exploit that existed in the original script to 1) copy the item being crafted and 2) change your armor anyway you wanted for free.
Got it in 1. Removed until it can be re-scripted without the bugs.
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Post by Lokey »

No it's fixed in NS3. HoU, featuring a dupe item button! Should have put that on the box :(

It's a cpu intensive way to do it, I don't know what they were thinking...Bio should know what runs well and what chokes the app. Not motivated to write a new system, though it is annoying that one armor model usually looks great on male and lousy on female or vice versa though.
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Post by Billiard »

lord_modred wrote:actually... ns4 is alot more like PnP D&D... you wont find a weapon that does 2d6 damage of every element type in a GOOD dnd game. ns3 was just a hack n slash... nothing more, what i miss is the quality of PEOPLE that were present in ns3... the people who currently dwell in ns4 are generally a bunch of cockbites and whiners...
I miss the community that was in NS3 - that is the people and how they interacted. I have been playing NS3 Pac the last couple of weeks, along with Aantioch, and I really notice the difference in how people interact. People in NS4 just seem less likely (or perhaps less able due to the restrictions and factions) to help one another as much. This to me is the best part of NS3 and the worse part of NS4. Instead of looking to help others, we see people "teaching leasons" about where not to be as a newb. I, like many of my friends, will probably wait til the beta has epic areas before we give it another look. Til then I'll just monitor the forums and count how many times the same old complaints get recycled!

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Post by Sakad the II »

I can agree and dissagree with all, on the people that play ns4 these days. Why I disagree is Not everyone is a cockbite. I have partied with several diffent players on my trips to giaint mountain, and none of them were horrible. But there are a few who do make the game a horrible experience.
As for people not helping others, well that is becuase of the factional taboos that are supposedly there, then there are people who are very greedy about the xp they earn.
What i miss the most from Ns3 was the parties, getting together and just bashing stuff for the heck of it. To me this mod gets kind of boring with out parties

As for the Uberness in Ns3 I do miss it, but when I need a fix of that I can just go play Aantioch.
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Re: Craft Armor/Weapon Exploit

Post by Argon Hammerstriker »

LadyCheron wrote:
satantrik wrote:I imagine it was disabled because of the HUGE exploit that existed in the original script to 1) copy the item being crafted and 2) change your armor anyway you wanted for free.
Got it in 1. Removed until it can be re-scripted without the bugs.

Does this mean that you can craft your armor's appearence in ns4 in the future?
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Post by Throst54 »


they say they have to rescript it.

u have to wait till they do that...

frankly, they have a lot more to do b4 that...

maybe soon...

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

i think the changes from ns3 to ns4 have all been good... i just miss G1 kinda =/

Wourd be nice if theyh took G1 as she is now in ns3 and stick her somewhere in ns4 lol... from the ns4 that exists now... i doubt g1 would be dropping for anyone accept DMs heh

oh and i REALY do miss customizing gear =/
Mabe an online interface for customizing gear? more char file hacking but i could imagine being able to login to the site and choose an item from your inv... choose the different styles and save =o
would be a fairly big job though

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Post by Throst54 »

i'm sure they will have a G1 equiv once all teh epic type areas are finished and up.

dont be surprised if u can find some way to strike a deal w/ teh DMs as per a way to customize gear.
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Post by Adut »

From what I've seen in the bug list and on the forums, there are alot of great things planned for NS4.

It's basically going to take 2 things to make this happen.

1. Feedback from the players as to what they like/dislike

2. Time

I would put this questions to you. What do you think (if anything) would encourage people to group more?

I think Synergy bonus is a good start, but if people in your group are not near the same level as you, there is a big penalty for the lower level chars, so you actually make more XP solo.

Thoughts, comments, flames?


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