Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
Block Buster
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Post by Block Buster »

NOMIUS and BORIS killed my lvl 4 cleric over 4 times today, (Boris only once) I would get a rez then get killed 3 seconds after.

They should get Booted And Notified by a dm for what they have done!

also new member that played ns 3 and just joined to day was with me, he also had to suffer an astounding 6 i repeat 6 greifs, well the first 1 dont cound so its 5 just like. NOMIUS excuse for killing us? (he kills all hostiles (bull) and we were cheating by useing high lvl summon scrolls, (stfu that aint cheat'in) well i think they are both gay)

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Post by Pancakes »

Not to mention Boris Dungshoveler is a obese blob of lard. This is exactly the kind of crap that happened on a server i used to play on...which is now dead :)

Block Buster
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Post by Block Buster »

This is how we lose new people, and the population of the server will slowly decline :oops:

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Try not going to the same place you died, or going on te same trail. I killed one guy 3x in a row because i was headed to avendell, and he was headed the opposite way. All he had to do was go somewhere else, or wait a bit. Killed him a 4th time after dying and respawning, and surprisingly, it was in the same area, because of the same thing. But if they're hunting down low lvls for no reason then i could understand a temp ban.
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Post by LadyCheron »

To which DM did you send the screenshots?

Procedure for filing a grievance against another player is to send screenshots of the issue to one or more DMs, usually by private message, along with details of the incident (including date, time, and server).
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Post by Throst54 »

it would help out a lot if you made it so only peopl in yoru party could ressurect you.
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Post by TGPO »

The work around for that is so easy its not even worth the time to code that one in Throst. Interesting idea though, keep em coming.
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Post by trent »

wtf! ... well today i have encountered 4 players .... 3 mages and 1 bard type char all impossable to me running around killing people with there high lvl pets in and around ns city .... i mean damn this kinda behavour has to be stopped . has it gotten to the point to where i have to look at the player list and see who is playing first before i think its ok , safe , and fun to play? talk about harrassment .... i was killed by them like 7 times in 10 mins and turned to stone twice . there isn't a safe place to play anymore on server 4 .... even avendell is a no no . more than once i have walked into town there and seen everything turned to stone . something must be done . i have seen a drop in the amount of players due to this and it makes people feel like logging into play under such conditions is a complete waist of time. the NONACTION taken by the dm's makes them think its ok to greive people and stand over them res them kill them again laugh at them turn them to stone stand over them and make fun an ok thing to do without so much as a whisper from a dm ... you know how hard it is to take a screenshot once your turned to stone .... the respawn box is stuck on the screen making the screenshot worthless . fine i know its beta and all but there needs to be a line somewhere .... a pk is one thing but this kinda stuff is crap and shouldn't be allowned ... i'll be in ns3 till things shape up i guess .... sorry about the long post

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Post by Danhalen »

i think pavlov should have used ns players instead of a dog. his results would have been different. i generally don't pk, but on occasion i do. i have been pk'd. if i go back to where i was, chances are i might get killed again. so, as any good pavlovian dog would do, i go to where the rewards are, not the bad stuff.

the definition of griefing is not; low lvl character killed by high lvl character, low lvl character returns to where high lvl character is and gets killed again, low lvl character respawns (again) and repeats ad infinitum. if these guys were hunting you down, it would be different. it seems to me that most people that complain of griefing are the ones that keep trying to be around the ones that killed them in the first place.


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Post by Throst54 »

i'd like to see the server put on NO PVP for a while... show ppl just how boring it would get...

TGPO wrote:The work around for that is so easy its not even worth the time to code that one in Throst. Interesting idea though, keep em coming.
what would that be?
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Post by trent »

wasn't like that .... i was lvl 22 at the time ..... i was raised just to get killed again over and over , turned to stone and killed by there pets , ability drain over and over so i couldn't go anywhere raised and killed raised and killed raised and killed then laughed at ...... magic foo and freinds need a nice talking to i think ...... get rid of the people that abuse the pvp option of ns4 and it will be a great mod once again .... let them stay and see everyone slowly leave ...... but screw it .... i'm done with ns4 for awhile till one of the dm's see whats going on and put an end to such behavour ......... like i said .... to be pk'ed is one thing but to be put through that is another ..... little kids with nothing better to do i guess ... can't wait till school starts again ... maybe things will get better then

p.s maybe there should be some kinda rule post on what is not acceptable ....... people here think they can do whatever they like ... only thing i have seen a dm dish out punishment for it someone calling themself a dm ....

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

so you DID post it afterall!
You know... when you first left and said you where reporting me *cough* i knew you where lieing - i was browsing the forums as you said it. and you DID admit you lied about that after i let someone raise you... and i DID walk away with you alive... im sure you remember because you where going on about how you sometimes got frustrated

And for more lies... "oh no i cant respawn! ill loose xp! nomius stoned me!!! hes griefing me!!!!!"
nuf sed.
I dont want the stone spell... theres so many good lvl 6 spells and Stone is not one of them.

ah and its not griefing... i killed you allong with others on Giant Mountain (Twice there) and once on Crossroads an hour or two later...

Roofus and Jamal where wondering around giants between lvl 4 or 9 (Roofus was wearing those crappy bland grey robes that i used before lvl 9) and using summon 8 and premonition scrolls. he stole my lvl 9s kill and then killed me while he was shapechanged as a dragon. thats a lvl 9 spell. So i came back with my lvl 27 and sent him back to where he should be - in a lower level area. Unfortunatly he was hiding between area transitions... every time i came through to him he would hop back... i come to him... he hops again... so i set delayed fireblast and let him try to run... it worked.

Anyway im not sure how Jamal got killed the first time... i just noticed his corpse crying about me griefing him and someone that i couldent see raised him when i was casting IGMS on someone else just near him...
Thats why i let people come and raise you, jamal - but i told them i would just PK Roofus again if they raise him because hes PKing people with summons and spells he shouldent be using, in a place way too hard for him.
And i WAS taking over the mountain at that time also... you where not the only one that got killed... but Magic-Foo PKed me (fairly) and i just went on elsewhere for XP
Saw you at xroads - got ya again!

oh and i never Raised/PKed him over and over... i dont have any raise scrolls... found one today but used it to raise a friend i PKed on the mountain just after i killed roofus.

im a screenshot addict... anything that i think might be disputed or complained about ill get the screenshot. i have about 300 megs of screens in my nwn dir.
Its prety sad how many people call me a liar in shout - Jamal you now join Okie Ragean on the list of hypocritical liars

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Post by kiros »

I have no screen shots, but I friend of mine joined today and was killed like 10 times while trying to get from his respawn point (NS Temple) to the sewers...

Boris and Nomius just stayed in NS even after all guards were killed. They weren't using stone spells and stuffs that loose XP, but killing over and over 1st lvl char is unaceptable!

And I was talking only about my friend Vindel... there was at least another noobie, "Will Steel", that got killed a lot too!
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Post by Artanis »

I was tempted to say stop whining until something occurred to me. There are a ton of posts about PK and if you look at the posts you will see the people complaining are different. Which leads me to the obvious, if there wasn’t a problem there wouldn’t be this many posts about it and its not just a couple people complaining, the list seems to grow with each post. Like most of you I have been killed more times then I can count. I didn’t care then and I don’t now. There are only 2 people on this server that I have a problem with (no names mentioned here) they or course do the disarm and steal, and while I was dead would be begin the swear fest and jerk comments, and yes I keep screenshots.

Sorry I am drifting off topic; to me I don’t care about the PvP, if I am 1 and get killed by a level 40. But common sense tells me if there are this many different people complaining and this many posts there is a problem. Another little piece of common sense, if you kill new chars in the city fine, but after they spawn give them a chance to get out, most time only 1 exit. Just my opinion.

Terminal Insanity, I hate when people do that. Don’t lecture on PK then if your lowbie dies “I am gonna go get my super uber level 27 and come back”. You tell others not to whine so if your guy dies take it and move on.
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Post by Wolfarus »

Ok lets use this as an example : Player A (lvl 25) decides to go on a griefing-thru-pvp trip and kills Player B (starting lvl 1 or 2) 5 times. Since there is no function to compile or condense the text saying who killed who, thats easily 3 SS's right there, just showing the 5 kills. Now lets say it was done 10 times in a row, and not just to one person. Hmm..that would be around 15 SS's, and the number just keeps going up for every person who actually goes thru the procedure (and hassle of collecting, naming and sending all those SS's) to send the proof to a dm.

See my point? Wouldnt it be a WHOLE lot easier (for everybody concerned) just to start keeping a list of people who've been complained against for chronic griefing (with whatever method) and deal with them accordingly? Granted, it might not be as pretty as a lovely SS of some part of our world, But it would save ALLOT of work all around.

And i doubt the behavior will be the end of NS. This is re-incarnation #4 i believe, and these probs arnt just unique to this most current version. Eventually, the DM's will get tired of seeing the posts about certain players and ban them just to get rid of the headache :wink:

And Term..just who gave you the right to decide who belongs where and using what method to lvl there?..........Nobody? Thought as much. If you want to get "revenge" for the death of one of your char's, by all means. But i REALLY dont see you making any friends by telling people where they can be and what they can and cant do there to earn xp. Keep that up and people will start calling you "Potter 2" in no time! :wink:


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