A group of PC's last night, all with "Slave" in the name, attacked me at Ogre Pass, I just stood up from resting and started to buff when three "Reds" came into the area. I politly called off my Companion, who didn't get in a hit BTW, and before I could get my first buff off, all three attacked me after which i died very quickly. None of them said a word. Shortly after i respawned, the other PC that was in Ogre Pass near me PM'ed me that they ganged up on him too.
Ok, here's my beef with that:
The fact that I got killed doesn't bother me, really it doesn't. I didn't get an xp penalty and I was getting burdened anyway so i need to make a trip to the store. What bothers me is the way it went down.
First off three equal or near equal players ganging up on one player simply for the fact of killing him...while legal in NS isn't very honorable.
Secondly, although I have learned that this isn't an RP server by any means, I have stayed because of the great job and painstaking effort that has been and continues to be put into NS; but shouldn't there be some sort of reason or consent between players upon going PK (PvP)? Seriously, the simple fact that I belong to one faction and you belong to another, to me, isn't reason enough. And in the real world, and before i get any bashing for this I know this isn't anywere near real, unless you knew me personally, you wouldn't know that I belonged to a different FACTION immediatly upon seeing me. Unless one is pure evil and kills indiscriminantly, even his own kind, killing without provocation is just stupid and childish.
Now, I also understand that there are varying ages who play on NS and many different points of view on what is or is not standard PK practice. And there are some that say, "if you don't like it, you can just go elsewhere". And that's cool, they are exactly right, there are hundreds of PW's out there that don't allow PK, which is not what im looking for, and there are some that have standard guidlines about PK. So Im not asking to make any universal changes here and Im not asking that Okies and others of the same caliber have some great vision and see the err of their ways. All that I would ask is that the same courtesy be given to other PC's...you know, "do unto others..."
This will not happen because there are some snot-noses out there with Cheeto stains all over their keyboard and are still suffering from the multitude of wedgies they were subjected to in grammer school, that spend days of their lives in a dark room with only their computer to befriend, building a super uber character, or teaming up with other snot-noses so they can make others lives just as misserable as their own...Misery Does Love Company.
I also understand this, even snot-noses need an outlet. Therefore I continue my search for the Ultimate PW.
Keep up the good work here on NS guys, you have a really great thing going here and once the kinks are worked out and server issues resolved NS will last a very long time.