Survey, sorta, on summoned companions

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Survey, sorta, on summoned companions

Post by HPD_234 »

Hail all! I have recently rolled up a Druid archer type of character. Not sure where im going with him right now as he is pure Druid up to level 5 but i do like the companions in NS. Question: Is it just me or have they been beefed up a tad? I notice that in NS they are much more hepfull and resilient than in other mods.

Also, I started with a Giant Spider which i aptly named Malstrom. I have noticed that in the first 5 levels he has served me well. Poisoning the opponent helps me make the kill that much easier. Upon reaching 5th he is a little annoying in that he takes a while to cast the 1 Web spell per day which can be effective but mildly annoying as i need him as a meat shield.

I know there are other companions I can pick from, each having their own little specialty. Although i do love the spider simply cause he looks cool, I fear that he may outlive his usefullness in levels to come.

I have also noticed some players having summoned critters like Golems and such. Im not sure but I don't think these are made for Druids. Is it something added to NS of which im unaware? Do Druids get killer companions in latter levels or more choices?

What is your fav summon and why? I know the bear has the most hp's and makes a great meatshield but he has no special abilities besided a beefed up listen skill. I do like the spell imunity of the spider and for those who love the sneak attack the panther is killer and cool looking.

Any suggestions from seasoned Druids appreciated.

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Post by Brennan068 »

Druid companions are not summons... they are more like wizards' familiars (only better ;) )

The golems and such that you see are summon creature 1, 2, 3 ... etc.

As far as the druid companion goes, I always seem to pick the panther. His sneak attack is sweet. Buff him up a bit, put a summoned meat shield into the fray and the panther will tear through the opposition. I've seen several others using the bear too; I think my next druid will try that out. I avoid the wolf because his howl, while cool, can bugger up your friendliness rating with the deer and other animals in the forest. Friendly fire can be a bad thing from a faction rating point of view.

Your companion levels as you do, getting more powerful in that way. Summons are fixed at their summon creature level (and yes, they have been changed from standard NWN code so don't expect to be summoning that golem in the single player O.C. )

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Post by dugbird »

im not sure if you are talking about summons or companion, i think you are talking about companion. the golems you see are summons and depend on the level and alignment of the caster.

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Post by IcemanXV »

I pick the dire wolf. They have a good attack bonus, and every level their dexterity goes up, meaning more AC. Their damage is also beefed quite a bit. 1d10.

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Post by DaXGS »

As a druid i take the bear on early levels, then switch to a dire wolf, and end up with a panther for sneak attacks. This is the best combination i have found to level, for my build that is :wink:

As for summons, i think they changed it in these. Because my druid summons some kind of bard pinguin as a summon creature 1 :shock: . And for summon creature 2 the pinguin just levels with me :?

So if i get a pinguin, maybe others get golems or something. But it could also be a bug in which case ill contact a dm about it.
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Post by Throst54 »

your summon depends on what lvl spell it is and what alignment you are.

from what i had heard, befire when NS4 first came out atleast, the familiars and companions weren't changed...
or am i ignorant?

i like the dire rat.... sneak attack and disease....
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Post by QuickLightning »

dire rat...i've never even tried it...something about a rat as a companion seemed unsettling.

I go the bear then then the wolf.

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Post by Thanos »

It seem to me the companions need to be buffed up by the developers in later levels. Once you hit level 15+ they die in 2 secs.

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Post by JesterOI »

I haven't seen the higher levelled companions (10+) but I think the AC on the companions may be a bit low, especially on the bear.
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Post by rkanodia »

They definitely need an AC boost, and perhaps some damage resistance. If it were up to me I would give them an AC boost of +1 per two levels (maybe even more... they will still only have 30-something when you are level forty) and DR +1 per four levels or so.

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Post by turtlehermit »

You can buff the heck out of your animal companions at higher lvls. Make them quite formitable if you are a druid/cleric with animal domain.

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Post by Qui »

Shadow summon should count as a familiar type and be buffed up like mad..
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