The Circle, clerics.

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The Circle, clerics.

Post by DaXGS »

The Circle is a fantastic faction. But the clerics only have choise of 2 domains namely animal and plant.

Is there known of a change in the restricted domains for this faction?

The choices are none but there are some other domains that should fit in. Like the elemental domains, especially the earth one since they are connected with the earth. But fire would be considered to agressive. healing would fit in too for helping animals and such.

These would give a more variaty of clerics in the circle that would rock.
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Ace Dragonfury
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Post by Ace Dragonfury »

It may seem like a riddle but what is the difference between a cleric with animal/plant and a druid ??

Anyways, I find it too restrictive to play a cleric in TC cause I'd never pick those domains.

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Post by Denort »

I made a suggestion a while back to allow the circle clerics to also have access to the sun domain. The response was that it was being considered, along with the 4 elemental domains.

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Post by IcemanXV »

Ace Dragonfury wrote:It may seem like a riddle but what is the difference between a cleric with animal/plant and a druid ??

Anyways, I find it too restrictive to play a cleric in TC cause I'd never pick those domains.

Erm....Druids get some mage spells that clerics don't. High end damage reduc spells do nicely. So then you have an animal/plant cleric with premonition. :)

Also, to my knowledge plant/animal clerics don't get stonehold or vine mine...probably the 2 best disabling spells in the game.

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Post by monkey0 »

Ah, but they do get storm of vengeance. Damage and disabling. My favorite.
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Post by Throst54 »

Ace Dragonfury wrote:Anyways, I find it too restrictive to play a cleric in TC cause I'd never pick those domains.

that's why TC has more pro RPers and pro PGers...
if we had monk lvls and any kind of cleric domains allowed it would be the exact opposite.

earth and water i can see you getting away with adding for domains, but healing? clerics can already heal.. and they do such already better than druids do (spontaeneous casting)
air domain i dont hink fits, doesnt fit into a forest kindof theme in my view anyways
death domain... well obvious that it doesntunless you wanted to argue the druid is killing people to balance out nature.... but tehre a limited few who would actaully rp that or more importantly make it fit well into the faction.
destruction... same as above
evil... u cant be evil aligned in TC
good... the people of nature are generally more leant to the neutral side and shouldnt have a good domain if they dont have a nuetral one first.. and since there isnt one...

knowlege... not many books to studay and learn from in the wilderness...
magic.... eh, TC hates the arcane
protection... this one would work, druids are like crazed enviornmentalists... why not make clerics the same way....
strength... they depend on the power of nature, not the power of thier blade, so no
Sun... i dont see why this wouldnt work, otehr than it might lead to an unbalanceing issue in lvling, but other than that.. sun grow..plants beleive it or not
trickery... druids camoflauge with the wild.. not disappear

and NOW you know...
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Post by IcemanXV »

I wish druids in NWN had the PnP ability to spontaneously cast summon spells. That always rocked.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

That's actually a 3.5 addition. NWN is based on 3e. :)
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Post by IcemanXV »

Dammit, that WAS a 3.5 book.


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Post by Ace Dragonfury »

I have to say thanks thats a good response.

I guess just for arguments sake, I'd say allow Healing too makes for diversity. Taking the Air domain and you get access to one of druids staple spells, Call lightning.

Personally I'd vote for a little more diversity, generally agreeing with the statements Throst made.


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