Trouble with characters being locked out?

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Locked Out!

Post by satantrik »

account name: hyperthesis
character name: Astos Fallin
server: was on server 1 last
activities: killed by vampire warriors/lord in crypts, respawned to Krallusk, logged out shortly after


Saya Nightshade
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Post by Saya Nightshade »

Login: Saya_Nightshade
Chars: Jaheria (Okie) Nightshade
Eara (Okie) Nightshade
Location: Black Hills Mines (Server One)
-Slave- Whippet
-Slave- Cinnamon
-Slave- Sharabeth Nightshade
-Slave- Tasha Mondragon
-Slave- Cheyenne
-Slave- Momma J. (Shall return)

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Post by sheriffbugs »

Login = Senechal
Chars = Priory Nurse

Was in Duergar Castle in Irontop's room
"And the Men who hold high places
Must be the ones who start
To mold a new reality..."

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Post by HPD_234 »

Login: HPD_234

Character: Amamir Xilo

Logged out inside a camp in Enchanted Forest. Now cannot log back in :(

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Post by grain37 »

character...Gennar Benner

logged out after i zoned into ancient wrym road after zoning from old town north..all servers are up at the moment and cant get back in..

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Character Location Lost. Unable to login.

Post by Serignuad »

Account: KrisW

Character: Smoke Twixt-The-Rain

Last Action: Portalling from Yuan-Ti City to Yuan-Ti Caverns. This happened today when all area-transitions were forcing a change of servers even when it was to the same server.

Result: Location of Character is Lost. Unable to login to game with this Character.

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Post by IcemanXV »

Character: Varkaas Tulk
Account: IcemanXV

Was running to Dwarven stronghold through the tunnels between it and server 2. Seemed to be portalling with every map change. Server lagged out as usual so I exited the game, and when I retried, I got the continuous login dialogue.

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Post by Ciajan »

Account: Beton Kopf
Character: Ciajan

Not sure where my last location was... in some cave... somewhere. Only my second day and this happened. Was dead, and I believe the server crashed.

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Post by Lokey »

Whoa KrisW, that's a lot of characters (29)!

Quick check and the problem isn't immediately obvious. We'll check out more in the evening.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Axiom Funkcronomicon
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Post by Axiom Funkcronomicon »

I really hope this gets answered because I've skimmed through some of the more recent post of similar topic and gained fa insight!

Server Account Name: Axiom Funkcronomicaon (with the 'a')
Characters involved: Axiom Funkcronomicon; Villanova Maggot Brain; Mesa Boogie

Here's what happened:

I had two characters, Axiom (a LA char) (who was last logged out just outside the gaits to the Ancient Ones), and Villanova Maggot Brain (an AO char) (who was last logged out in the Sleeth Compound I think.

So, after realising I'd totally screwed up my stats for Villanova, I decided to rewrite his character file and start afreash - with the same name, and still with AO. I hook up with some weapons/armour, and go hunting rats. I'm at the entrance to the Slave pits where the rats tend to hang out, and as I portal through, the server crashes.

I log back on - and to my dismay I get (what seems to be the common symptom) the cycle of 'generic' loading-area window which then takes me to the black screen stating the problem of portaling to a certain location. I click the Enter NS tab, and it goes through the cycle again - area loading, to black screen. If I click disconnect it says I've been booted.

So I thinks it may be a bug regarding the overwriting of a char with the same name.

Frustratingly I decide to tap my imagination and come up with another character name: Mesa Boogie.
Again, I give all the same stats/class/faction as the original Villanova.
I try to log on.
Again, the cycle of doom.

Panic and fear hits me as I curiously test to see whether Axiom is stil digging the realm. But NO, now my 17lvl char is getting the same stick! Can't connect!

This occurs for all three characters, while attempting to connect to any of the three servers (which are obviously up at the time)

Hope you can help!

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Post by ManufacturedChaos »

account: ManufacturedChaos
charicter names:
Kern Nashre
Ilrahc Ditchmear

i think both mine some how are just sitting in the loading area cause when i log it i get the "enter neversummer"/ "disconnect" option over and over again

SIC Thanatos
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diffrent problem but im going to put it here anyway

Post by SIC Thanatos »

login name: SIC Thanatos
Player name: Wat Max

and while your at it get ride of "barney gumble of clan freakrey" from my list

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Location: The Damned... You figure it out

Post by Phido »

Login Emperor of Icecream
Character: Flag <GD>

Was in the Crpyt near the amazons fighting when I crashed, now I get the same msg over and over... Log in or dissconnect. It will say booted each time i say dissconnect.


Ever me,

Lola the Damned

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me too

Post by Thorleif »

acct: thorleif69
char: Quinn the Wanderer
last loc: wyrmwood pass I believe

problem: getting the same error others seem to be, cant be portalled so it goes through the "enter ns" cycle until i hit disconnect and am booted

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Post by Hyperion »

Account name : Hyperion_451
Character name : Jones 26

I died in the Underdark somewhere and I was binded to a server 4 which was down. Since then, i only get the "enter neversummer"/ "disconnect" option over and over again even if sever 4 i now up and running.


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