The Deities in Neversummer 4 are taken directly from the Forgotten Realms list of Pantheons. Most people of Aetheria recognize more than one deity, even if they dedicate their character to one patron deity. Some folk of Aetheria believe deities are akin to awesomely powerful mortals and are therefore prone to foibles, tempers, haste, mistakes, and emotions of mortals. Others see them as beyond mortal flaws or mortal comprehension. Overlaid on these extremes are beliefs as to wether deities like to intervene in mortal affairs daily, at crucial junctures, on whims, or to further mysterious or stated aims - or wether they remain aloof, influencing mortals only in subtle, hidden ways or through dream visions and cryptic auguries. With these widely varying views come a correspondingly wide range in practices. There are even some who deny the existance of deities at all.
Specifying a Deity
- To select a patron deity for your character in Neversummer – enter the name of the deity into the "Deity" field on character creation.
- The deities are listed here under the faction for which they are valid, to help you choose the correct deity for your character.
- Those deities listed as non-faction based are open to any faction that allows that particular alignment.
- DMs will play the role of many of the greater and factional deities. Whom you have choosen for a patron deity will determine your reaction with each dm.
- Keep in mind that while other players cannot view the deity you have selected, or if you have selected no deity, the DMs can.
- If you forgot to specify a Deity at character creation, you can actively Role Play a request for a specific Deity Shrine while ingame. If a DM is ingame, they will most likely create one for you.
- If a Deity Shrine is encountered and you activate it, your specified Deity will be set to the Deity name listed on that Shrine. FYI, this will reset any Deity name specified on your character.
Full list can be found here:
p.s. This list is a bit old as far as current DMs go, but it's a thorough list.
[edit : Dalan : 11/09/09]