Fighter AC Suggestion
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
Do not let anybody fool you, all above mostly and let me say it again, mostly all above play Dex toons. This server is a dex friendly server. So you have your Phatt tank ready to kill and you have a weapon that swings 4 times versus 7 plus per rounds. Crit on weapons always hit you no matter how sorry you are of builder of a toon you are. The ppl above are mostly dex toons builders, do you what you think is best and trust no one here for to many are across borders and will tell you things to make you stink as a player. Use your own judgement and if want to be successful build a cleric with spot or listen. Dc on stunning fist from hybrid monks runs about 50 plus. Build a stunning fist monk. Heh(that ruined it for me)
You will be disappointed with a str build in the end.
You will be disappointed with a str build in the end.
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
Damage from str and dex does differ a lot, so we are telling ppl here to disdain from str fighters?Dex fighters are pretty damn amazing. You can get some insane base damage out of a whip w/ Warlord's Might, and horrifyingly high AC, with a still rather good AB and HP.
Equally, STR fighters have /the/ hardest disable in the game.
STR fighters can also build for a reasonable AC or a high DR - which makes them somewhat bulky.
Reasonable ac ? Or high dr? DwD or barb has the highest here. Pure fighter has a few tricks here but he is highly a like candidate to fulfill his needs. Hardly anyone builds a pure fighter except to use warlords rumble to flatten and try to disarm pvp.
Build what you think is good is all and when they pk you, I warned ya.

Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
The server isn't nearly as dexer oriented as the past. The newer Uber-AB bosses in the level 40 planes make the AC of most everything irrelevant, and their regeneration makes damage output important. AC is a boom-or-bust defense, and in these boss fights, the AC tanks that do awesome in dwarves no longer have a melee role. Defense in level 40 boss hunting is all about damage reduction, and offense is all about damage output that doesn't completely go away if the character dies and is raised in combat.
Damage output is also more important than ever in pvp where smarter use of damage reduction has amplified the weaknesses of low-damage builds, especially in relic defense.
It has been a really long time since I've built a true dexer.
Damage output is also more important than ever in pvp where smarter use of damage reduction has amplified the weaknesses of low-damage builds, especially in relic defense.
It has been a really long time since I've built a true dexer.
Sebastian (TSS) Doc - Rufio of (TSS) - Dagr (TSS)
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Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
An Hogre STR based pure fighter is awesome in party PVP, especially defense. Not so great at PVM.
Most builds will run from you if they know your token has not yet been used and the rumble token is up there with hellball as one of the best ways to stop 99% of builds. Once your token is used and the extremely short duration +20 token is used as well then it's usefulness drops big time. Even with it's drawbacks, this is still a build I recommend any player have to call upon.
I've made a dexer pure fighter with an AC similar to that mentioned on other posts and to be honest I never used it once I hit 40. Dex based weapon damage is crap without sneak or divine to back it up. So what if you don't get hit as much, if you don't get the job done in the little time you have with you're tokens then you may as well play another toon. Also, the +20 token only applies to your main weapon, not secondary, so forget any uber dual wield builds.
Most builds will run from you if they know your token has not yet been used and the rumble token is up there with hellball as one of the best ways to stop 99% of builds. Once your token is used and the extremely short duration +20 token is used as well then it's usefulness drops big time. Even with it's drawbacks, this is still a build I recommend any player have to call upon.
I've made a dexer pure fighter with an AC similar to that mentioned on other posts and to be honest I never used it once I hit 40. Dex based weapon damage is crap without sneak or divine to back it up. So what if you don't get hit as much, if you don't get the job done in the little time you have with you're tokens then you may as well play another toon. Also, the +20 token only applies to your main weapon, not secondary, so forget any uber dual wield builds.
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
I even have a 60(62 buffed?) DC pure fighter stunner that I almost never used to pull out. (Keen senses and 95ish spot too)
Having a good hitter is VERY important high end planes, and is very fun to watch people run from you in PvP. Its hard to go toe-to-toe with something that hits less but hits harder. When every possible hit is a crit threat dexers get dropped QUICK in PvP. Though str based probably get dropped "more often".
Also consider that if youre not basing most of your AC from dex/dodge then hellball and rumble doesnt mean as much, youre taking hits that you would be taking standing up. Dexers go down and theyre taking hits they cant afford to be taking.
HOgre PDK and HOgre HiPSer was one of my fav combos... both str based.
Having a good hitter is VERY important high end planes, and is very fun to watch people run from you in PvP. Its hard to go toe-to-toe with something that hits less but hits harder. When every possible hit is a crit threat dexers get dropped QUICK in PvP. Though str based probably get dropped "more often".
Also consider that if youre not basing most of your AC from dex/dodge then hellball and rumble doesnt mean as much, youre taking hits that you would be taking standing up. Dexers go down and theyre taking hits they cant afford to be taking.
HOgre PDK and HOgre HiPSer was one of my fav combos... both str based.
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest

- Spamalot
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Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
This is a PVP server not a PVM. Get it? Not somewhere you get kosey and decide whether you are going to decide to clobber Clyde or Mosley. If it takes 20 ppl in a party to defeat 1 boss then it becomes a PVM server. DO you not understand what you said? This is a PVP server, period and thank you for saying what you said. We all get caught up in how to appease the whiners and give them big monsters to defeat and it takes 20 toons to defeat them and on shout are we need a cleric, or we need a pure fighter, a pure bard, while your toon is a half breed looking for some great loot that never drops. You are the whiners here and keep whining, never did I whine on shouts or forums about how this or that person did this or that, I might of questioned it and decided within myself to handle the matter or built a toon to compensate for it, but never whined.The server isn't nearly as dexer oriented as the past. The newer Uber-AB bosses in the level 40 planes make the AC of most everything irrelevant, and their regeneration makes damage output important. AC is a boom-or-bust defense, and in these boss fights, the AC tanks that do awesome in dwarves no longer have a melee role. Defense in level 40 boss hunting is all about damage reduction, and offense is all about damage output that doesn't completely go away if the character dies and is raised in combat
This is a PVP server, you the dm's, developer's progressed this server to what it is. You threw in the relics but you wanted more because I heard on shouts and forums about how there is no more pvp, well the above is your answer. It is not the old days because you got rid of it and the players who enjoyed it. Takes 20 toons to fight a uber boss to hopefully get some great gear. When it was limited to 5 toons in a party I remember, hardly any lag and fun for ppl that came to enjoy themselves to enjoy the game. Are you old or is the game old or both to make your job easier. This used to be the pride of all servers where pking was about, now it is for you.
You can have the crap of pure fighters dethlongs and still knockdown a bunch of dexter melee fighters and have friends PK them, pretty simple. Your guild and MADD proved that and many others. Really?
Seriously? Here you are spouting Pvm when it is a pvp server. You have so many stunning fists as a pure fighter so I use a sling or a bow because I am a dexter and have speed like you or better, I am a pure fighter, barb, or did, lol hit me because I am coming for you and my hits are harder then yours and my ab can topple your ac , so you run. Linux did that to me, first he is and he never brought that toon against me again. Live and learn, so I say. You used to be all about pvp and now you spout about PvmKorr
Post subject: Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
I even have a 60(62 buffed?) DC pure fighter stunner that I almost never used to pull out. (Keen senses and 95ish spot too)
Having a good hitter is VERY important high end planes, and is very fun to watch people run from you in PvP. Its hard to go toe-to-toe with something that hits less but hits harder. When every possible hit is a crit threat dexers get dropped QUICK in PvP. Though str based probably get dropped "more often".
Also consider that
Dethlongs with your Orge whatever he is and makes no difference because all he is good at is with party. You raid with other toons to get relics, simple, you never raid with by yourself to obtain relics unless with other ppl in your party. False leads and deception are you good at.
Ppl above arrive at a great dinner. They look at it, smell it, weigh it, and tell themselves how great a dinner it is, but never eat it.
You decide what you want and remember that this a dex server, period. They might mentioned how they have great str toons but, they are stripped bare and barely used because when they raid are mostly dex toons unless in a party with a buffer, simple and period.
This a pvp server, make yourself a toon in which is a dexter because when they want ppl to join a party they have their half breeds.
Bottom line is this, unless in a group your pure str toon sucks defending a relic or obtaining one unless you are against a halfwit. Your rumble or roar lasts for seconds and you are toast because they get their dexter and you die. Period
- Spamalot
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Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
These ppl above tell you half - truths, I just laughed, Korr never brought that pure fighter out for along time unless uber boss raiding, it is a lol
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Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
Grats on writing a wall of disjointed text to wrap up with what I wrote at the start. Str Pure fighters are good at party defense and not much else.
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
I hardly play at all anymore, and typically PvP when I do. Just because its a PvP server doesnt meant PvM doesnt exist, and therefore leads people to have PvM toons. An innuendo stopped PvM as soon as she got kush XP for some deaths on 40, she was horrible at it... as all dex pure fighters are.Ryddwillow wrote:These ppl above tell you half - truths, I just laughed, Korr never brought that pure fighter out for along time unless uber boss raiding, it is a lol
I think we all agree here, even willow if you can decipher it.dethonlegs wrote:Grats on writing a wall of disjointed text to wrap up with what I wrote at the start. Str Pure fighters are good at party defense and not much else.
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest

Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
Just to add a thought to a statment made above: "Also, the +20 token only applies to your main weapon, not secondary, so forget any uber dual wield builds."
Dire Mace and double bladed sword
gives the +20 on main hand attack and off hand secondary attack.
Dire Mace and double bladed sword

Murphy's Law:
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Everything takes longer than you expect.
And if anything can go wrong,
It will, at the worst possible moment.
Nothing is as easy as it looks.
Everything takes longer than you expect.
And if anything can go wrong,
It will, at the worst possible moment.
- Spamalot
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- Joined: Mon May 17, 2004 9:31 pm
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
Sorry for the confusion but this is a PVP server? Not about how many players and what players it takes to take a Boss here and then decide between 20 players how divide the loot and if, and if the Boss drops his loot to divide it up. Seriously? Listen to guys. Confusion is how you decipher it. You get coosey in your little room and Bam you get pked. In the olden days you would be like damn, asswhole, jerk. Now a days it is like hold on, I have my duel or triple logged toon to PKU for me or to Rez me. Lick it up buttercup, you have it easy street here. Whine all you want, you have it soft here and the dm's are handing out gimmy's around every corner. Complain,complain, complain is all you are and when there is constructive criticism you complain more and when a dm does something for you like role playing (I have to explain in it in simpler terms) you are like a puppy dog because it takes higher levels to obtain more exp points, so you beg, why because a DM gives very good exp points.
The monk in which I log in as (trust me I have plenty of others toons that I log in but want to be left alone) is from TC and has level 3 gear on, just prove my point. You are searching for fame and fortune and it is under your noses. Gear does not make you a better player but, the builder. You want me, with my God given abilities to stoop to your level (in which you complain) and nerfing to help you compete with me? You people put a damper on people who know how to play this game. If you seriously were in my guild or in my city and asked how you built that toon I would tell you. In the guilds I would run, if you needed something that I had I would give it too you, because (I was a chef) I represented the lest experienced cook on the line and had to make him better and he represented me period. So I gave my Friends my high cherished stuff when they asked for it. Ask Dm Kim, she was in DD with me and I strive to make ppl better in my guild. Ask redrum, ask alka when the server was a new and how I as a Druid from TC gathered gear for DD. you all forget, understandable, and when my idea about a DD only website (learned it from bannyd , give credit) was said to all, Bergald handled it so I backed off.
So all in all, either you complain to much about how to tackle a 20 player boss, or you should build a better toon. Hey, you can ask me or any of your guild leaders to help you.
Just buckle up buttercup and make do of it, Alastier might be good to some eyes, but how many a guilds can you belong in?
The monk in which I log in as (trust me I have plenty of others toons that I log in but want to be left alone) is from TC and has level 3 gear on, just prove my point. You are searching for fame and fortune and it is under your noses. Gear does not make you a better player but, the builder. You want me, with my God given abilities to stoop to your level (in which you complain) and nerfing to help you compete with me? You people put a damper on people who know how to play this game. If you seriously were in my guild or in my city and asked how you built that toon I would tell you. In the guilds I would run, if you needed something that I had I would give it too you, because (I was a chef) I represented the lest experienced cook on the line and had to make him better and he represented me period. So I gave my Friends my high cherished stuff when they asked for it. Ask Dm Kim, she was in DD with me and I strive to make ppl better in my guild. Ask redrum, ask alka when the server was a new and how I as a Druid from TC gathered gear for DD. you all forget, understandable, and when my idea about a DD only website (learned it from bannyd , give credit) was said to all, Bergald handled it so I backed off.
So all in all, either you complain to much about how to tackle a 20 player boss, or you should build a better toon. Hey, you can ask me or any of your guild leaders to help you.

Just buckle up buttercup and make do of it, Alastier might be good to some eyes, but how many a guilds can you belong in?
Re: Fighter AC Suggestion
We're starting to get off-topic. I think fighter AC has been debated to satisfaction.
Go here ... &t=1003704 for PvP vs PvM debate.
Go here ... &t=1003704 for PvP vs PvM debate.