Ability Scores missing

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Ability Scores missing

Post by mweidel13 »

I have a lvl21 Pali/DD/Cl and I was trying to take Epic DMG Red but found it was not availabe at lvl21 so I started checking my CON numbers and found that I did not receive any of the ability scores that I chose since lvl1. Is this a feature of the mix I chose or is it a bug and can it be fixed? I used 2 books on this toon so I am hoping a DM may be able to fix this or help me get the ability scores updated.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Nyeleni »

I think you will have more success if you send a PM directly to Lokey or Mining: include account, name of the character and the story behind.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Lokey »

Never heard of this happening, and what ny said.

Also, what client are you using? Do you have any files in override like cls*.2da (* means anything like cls_ft_something.2da) or classes.2da (it should use the server's now, but you know)?
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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by mining »

Ditto what Lokey and Nye said.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by mweidel13 »

I do the basic set up through the gui - no files or anything extra - Windows XP.

Thank you for the responses.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Lokey »

Got the account/character info, I'll look at later.

Really need to know that you're on the last patch (1.69 and it has to be gotten from Bioware, there hasn't been a compilation yet I know of that doesn't have more bugs).
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Lokey »

cha,cha,con,con,con. With starting stats, makes sense, you thinking you took con for all?

Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by mweidel13 »

This what I think I should have. Thank you for looking at this. I really like this character and do not want to have to delevel and relevel.

CON - start with 14 / +2 for dwarf / +3 from lvl ability score / +2 from book - Total 21

CHR - start with 13 / -2 for dwarf / +2 from lvl ability score / +2 from book - Total 15

The rest of my ability scores starting are below
STR 14
Dex 13
WIS 12
INT 12

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Amoenotep »

i want to say you need 22 con but i don't remember which epic feat was borked like that off the top of my head
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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by hond »

there is no prerequisit for EER...you probably try to pick it with class who have no access to it ...Paladin and cleric don't have access to that feat...only Dwarven protector can pick it...In other side...you count a +2 Con after creation for be dwarf...that point are includes IN creation...

Creation stats
Str 8 (6) 14
Con10(4) 14
Dext 8(5) 13
Wis 8(4) 12
Int 8 (4) 12
Cha 6 (8) 13
In my count you have 31 start point wich is not corect...

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by mweidel13 »

On the Wiki it has the following....

Epic Damage Reduction
From Neversummer 4 Wiki
Type of Feat: (Epic) General
Prerequisite: Con 21, 21st level

I know somethings are not 100% accurate. I am only trying to take this EDR as DD. For whatever reason the ability bonus for level was never applied to this toon. If I have to delevel that is fine just want to make sure before I start the process.

I have a spreadsheet I use for ability scores and what I provided does add up to 30 and even if it didn't I would still be 5 point short for my ability scores from the lvl score bonuses that I have not received.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by Amoenotep »

i'm still thinking damage resist says reqs 21 con but in reality needs 22
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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by hond »

EER no prerequisit ( epic nrj resitance) and EDR 21 con ( at least in wiki)....i read bad the first mesage :oops:

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by DM_Sultan »

Hond, what Tep is saying is that even though the wiki says CON 21, you can't actually get it until you hit CON 22. There are a couple of things like this. It also may be that you have to already have CON of 21 and can't take the EDR in the same leveling turn because you had to already be CON 21 BEFORE the level where you take EDR. I've seen a couple of things do this as well. See if you get the EDR as a choice the next time you get the epic abilities presented. It will probabaly be there or like Tep said, you actually need a CON of 22 before it is presented.

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Re: Ability Scores missing

Post by hond »

i'm pretty confident that 21 will enought if you take that feat at lvl 22 with Con already added ...If you reach 21 Con, before lvl 21, you can normaly take it also...all in case the feat haven't been modificated by NS4 team..


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