Black Screen of Death

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Black Screen of Death

Post by MasterYoda »

Char - Tiny, Traitor of M.A. =kSt=
Login Tiny Demon kSt

the other night i was defending for SL as a MA toon to my knowledge this didnt matter , and i bound to there inn. Since that day i have logged on but the other night when there was a raid going on and then today it Black screened after i chose option 4 it just stayed black.

Last night it was insanely laggy and i thought that was why but alas this morning same thing.

TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(

-2 Penalty in Daylight
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Re: Black Screen of Death

Post by Lokey »

Known issue I never fully figured out, happens occasionally and erractically. DMs know what's up and won't treat you any worse than usual because of it.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Posts: 1251
Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2006 2:14 pm

Re: Black Screen of Death

Post by MasterYoda »

k so whats teh fix? or is there not one atm?
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(

-2 Penalty in Daylight
Posts: 3094
Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2002 6:49 pm

Re: Black Screen of Death

Post by Lokey »

Find a dm to move you somewhere.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Location: Arendal, Norway

Re: Black Screen of Death

Post by VagaStorm »

Trid moving using the keys? It happened to me to day where I got a black screen when the map loaded. It cleared after I moved, using the move keys.
Best Regards
Why would I want to count 12 hours twice? I’m perfectly capable of counting to 24, and while we’re at it, can someone go shoot named time zones. GMT+x is all we need!
Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.

DM Sun Tzu
Dungeon Master
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Re: Black Screen of Death

Post by DM Sun Tzu »

In my experience this is almost always a facing problem, you are usually have your back to the map. Try just turning your toon to face a different way, with the keys or the mouse.
DM Sun Tzu

"to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."


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