Can't log in anymore :(

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Pk Bait
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Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

Keeps saying 'You have been booted', tried logging into multiple chars(not all of them as I saw lokey's post about leaving the good ones in the vault til we're sure it's all back to normal), got the booted message each time.

Also... I had done some vault cleanup over the last few days before the crash.. all those chars I'd deleted are now back in my vault(some I had been just testing for a build i.e. making, exporting to get the right stats then building offline and then deleting the char if I didn't like it).

Edit: I'm back in now, not sure if the problem was related to me re-cleaning my char vault or if it was something else.

Re-Edit: After testing a bit more.. the characters I've deleted previously are still in my vault, however.. if I try to log in to one to clean it out of there the server boots me.

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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by mining »

Dazrield wrote:Keeps saying 'You have been booted', tried logging into multiple chars(not all of them as I saw lokey's post about leaving the good ones in the vault til we're sure it's all back to normal), got the booted message each time.

Also... I had done some vault cleanup over the last few days before the crash.. all those chars I'd deleted are now back in my vault(some I had been just testing for a build i.e. making, exporting to get the right stats then building offline and then deleting the char if I didn't like it).

Edit: I'm back in now, not sure if the problem was related to me re-cleaning my char vault or if it was something else.

Re-Edit: After testing a bit more.. the characters I've deleted previously are still in my vault, however.. if I try to log in to one to clean it out of there the server boots me.
Anyone having these issues send me, Tep, Lokey a PM and we'll take a look at it. Send us your login name, toon name(s) and what the issue is.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Pk Bait
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:00 pm

Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

Am I sending PM's wrong or anything? I've still got about 4-5 chars stuck in my vault that I've deleted that I'm unable to log into and delete again as well. I sent you guys pm's, haven't heard back. Did I click the wrong button or not include the right information? :(

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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Lokey »

Been too busy being hungover and other various things lately. Get to it soon.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Pk Bait
Posts: 97
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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

Oh, okie, was just worried I had sent wrong since I didn't hear back. It's not terribly urgent, just making sure someone got the info :)

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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Lokey »

I looked. There's a few different versions of same name characters that make this an omigod headache to sort out.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Pk Bait
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:00 pm

Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

I don't believe I've ever made a character with the same name except after a deletion and waiting for a reset. Unless the server is bringing even more ghosts back.. I've only got one copy of each when I look in the vault. Main reason I want those older chars gone is so that I CAN remake chars with those names after a reset has happened.

I remember they had the same problems with that on my old server years back too.. so I'm pretty positive I'd never have done that here. I did delete all those toons already that I mailed you about.. they just haven't left my vault. Probably what is causing the doubling effect, cuz I've not tried to remake any of them, came to you guys first.

Pk Bait
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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

If the doubled toons are just the ones I mailed you about... I have no idea what's causing that. If there are more doubles than just that.. can you let me know which ones those are? I'd hate to think that every new toon I make comes out double :/

If it helps.. the ones that are doubled are ones I deleted a little while back when the server was having issues and books weren't working. Figured it'd be a good time to test some new char ideas since we were warned about breaking out our favorite hogres.

Pk Bait
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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

Someone told me that deleting too many chars during a reset might cause problems.. it's possible that I did delete the toons in question all during the same reset.

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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Lokey »

Code: Select all

tepsucks@ns4: ls
alisa.bic                   miira.bic               sepultus.bic
brand_29996.bak             mindra.bic              serie_46535.bak
brand.bic                   mor'din_21104.bak       tel'noirvos_29595.bak
cara_46525.bak              mor'din_29544.bak       thumper_30908.bak
chugger.bic                 mordin_29603.bak        thwapper_30909.bak
daz'mortrof.bic             nandrawefer_46605.bak   tomar_46543.bak
dazrield.bic                peromhavent_46602.bak   tomar.bic
devonratslayer.bic          radejooscilo_46607.bak  tremor_46934.bak
drappizedrin_46687.bak      rell_46537.bak          tremor.bic
elvawielgalitain_46608.bak  riven_29860.bak         vichaneratbait_46500.bak
grande_46935.bak            saleth_20117.bak        vichaneratbait.bic
hogrin.bic                  saleth_32773.bak        weshsendt_20116.bak
isis.bic                    saleth.bic              whapper.bic
keshara_46497.bak           sar'delvoh_29690.bak    zak'xinrel_29599.bak
miira_46489.bak             sear_46597.bak
LOL since when was ' allowed in filenames on nwn? I thought I was joking about Drizz't the <:@|/.\~ and bioware hating us...

Anyway, need to make that pile of stuff match your database stuff which is tedious. There's more than two entries for Tomar for example, but don't know how that happened. (The .bak files are the characters you deleted, they're stamped with the unique id we give so that it's possible to undelete, in theory--in practice it's mostly yah, like that's going to happen :))

Luckily we have a volunteer to dig through this mess for you, stay tuned.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Absentee Ballot Dev
Posts: 2411
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:09 am

Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by mining »

Lokey wrote:

Code: Select all

tepsucks@ns4: ls
alisa.bic                   miira.bic               sepultus.bic
brand_29996.bak             mindra.bic              serie_46535.bak
brand.bic                   mor'din_21104.bak       tel'noirvos_29595.bak
cara_46525.bak              mor'din_29544.bak       thumper_30908.bak
chugger.bic                 mordin_29603.bak        thwapper_30909.bak
daz'mortrof.bic             nandrawefer_46605.bak   tomar_46543.bak
dazrield.bic                peromhavent_46602.bak   tomar.bic
devonratslayer.bic          radejooscilo_46607.bak  tremor_46934.bak
drappizedrin_46687.bak      rell_46537.bak          tremor.bic
elvawielgalitain_46608.bak  riven_29860.bak         vichaneratbait_46500.bak
grande_46935.bak            saleth_20117.bak        vichaneratbait.bic
hogrin.bic                  saleth_32773.bak        weshsendt_20116.bak
isis.bic                    saleth.bic              whapper.bic
keshara_46497.bak           sar'delvoh_29690.bak    zak'xinrel_29599.bak
miira_46489.bak             sear_46597.bak
LOL since when was ' allowed in filenames on nwn? I thought I was joking about Drizz't the <:@|/.\~ and bioware hating us...

Anyway, need to make that pile of stuff match your database stuff which is tedious. There's more than two entries for Tomar for example, but don't know how that happened. (The .bak files are the characters you deleted, they're stamped with the unique id we give so that it's possible to undelete, in theory--in practice it's mostly yah, like that's going to happen :))

Luckily we have a volunteer to dig through this mess for you, stay tuned.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

-2 Penalty in Daylight
Posts: 3094
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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Lokey »

Change that to had? You haven't seen the database for his account yet lol. I've seen worse, but it's 50+ characters...
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Pk Bait
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:00 pm

Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Dazrield »

Thanks to whoever the volunteer is :)

And I've never made more than one char named Tomar..

Also.. I don't even recognize the following names.. although I was gone for awhile.. they don't seem to be anything I'd have named chars:


Absentee Ballot Dev
Posts: 2411
Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:09 am

Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by mining »

Lokey wrote:Change that to had? You haven't seen the database for his account yet lol. I've seen worse, but it's 50+ characters...
*Put on tough rubber gloves and a welding mask*
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

Newbie Helper
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Re: Can't log in anymore :(

Post by Daral0085 »

Volunteer huh? Ouch, tough luck to the volunteer.
Bargeld wrote:It's been shown in past relic events even, if NC actually has a decent amount of players involved, they will win.


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