Climbing swiftly hand over hand, Annabelle Thunderfist soon reached the top of the massive Neversummer City wall.
Stowing her grappling hook, Anna quickly tied off the rope and left it dangling down the outside of the wall in case
she needed to make a fast getaway.
Looking out over the Redwood District, the little Halfling HIPS and relaxed for a moment, letting her mind recall why
she had come here to the City of the Demi-Gods.
Detained by important business, Anna had arrived late; just as the weekly meeting of the Fury Guild was breaking up…
she could feel the tension in the air… members were again discussing their lack of a Guild House.
“Very inconvenient doing all our business from the Melencia Council Hall”
“Twould make it so much easier exchanging gear”
“We’ve done all they asked and more!”
“Are we official? Have we been approved?”
Delisha Zrazorian, Fury’s ambitious young Leader, threw up her hands in distress…
“There is nothing I can do, my friends”, Delisha confided, “the decision lies with the Demi-Gods…we must wait patiently
for their divine approval”.
“We’ve been waiting patiently”, someone snarled in the back of the hall, “the Demi-Gods have forgotten us!”
“Maybe they had forgotten!” Annabelle smiled, and grasping on to that idea as if it were an absolute, a plan of
action formed quickly.
“A friendly reminder certainly could do no harm”, the little Halfling concluded, “Neversummer City was just over the hill
and with her blinding speed she could be there and back in no time…and she was off duty till 6:00am tomorrow morning”.
Snapping back to reality, Annabelle swiftly began her search for the Demi-Gods…
“Might as well talk to them the face-to-face”, she surmised, face-to-face communication generally produced the best
results, and besides she’d always wanted to meet a Demi-God…
Fearless like all her kind, Annabelle never felt the twinge of anxiety, like many others within the Guild, when names like
Amoenotep, Lokey or LinuxPup were brought up in conversation, their names only peaked her unquenchable curiosity…
she wondered what they would be like, the Demi-Gods… big, she imagined… really big!
Quickly, Annabelle walked around the City Districts, easily avoiding all the Neversummer City guards and Half-Celestial
warriors. Finding the Library, the City Council Hall and the Temple locked up tight; Anna thought it strange indeed,
and wondered how the inhabitants of Neversummer City entered these public facilities if always kept locked.
Finally arriving at Neversummer Castle, Annabelle smiled, hers tiny eyes wide absorbing the magnificent structure.
“Ah… here must be where the Demi-Gods reside.”
Yet, inside the Castle were only more Guards and some big, sword-wielding, warrior named Ghaele, who really looked
more like a meathead than a Demi-God. Anna had the urge to punch him really hard, but fought off the idea considering
it counter-productive to the quest at hand.
Entering into the Neversummer Relic Cradle, Annabelle found only more of the same… Guards and Half-Celestial warriors.
“Humm? Perhaps the Demi-Gods were on vacation.”
Re-entering the Neversummer Castle Lobby, Anna noticed a large book on the small table in the center of the room.
Surely the Demi-Gods must read from this ancient tome… else why would it be here in the Castle? Swiftly, the little Halfling
took an inkwell from her backpack, and then opened the massive Neversummer manuscript.
Dipping one finger down into the blue-black fluid, Annabelle wrote a single word on the top of the first page…
“There,” the little Halfling smiled, “that should get their attention!”
Then like a shadow she was gone, back over the Neversummer City wall and blazing up the Silver Road toward Avendell.
“The Demi-Gods may decide to kill us all for my little reminder”, Annabelle chucked to herself as she entered Avendell Crossing,
“but at least we’ll not be forgotten!”