Best Faction Perstige Class

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what one perstige class would you most want to play in PVP battle?

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Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Deadeyes1 »

For the benifit of the newer people to this server what do you feel is your favorite class. If you could only choose one pestige class to play in a PVP setting of a faction, what would be your favorite?

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by cely »

Dwarven Defender, although I might be a bit biased.
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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Shamedmonkey »

Well. If we're talking BioWare NWN, then CoT, Shifter, and PDK are terribad. And PM and RDD are ridiculously amazing.
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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Shadowalker »

I have only built two of the choices here in Aetheria, so I havent the experiance needed to make an informed choice.
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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by mining »

Also need to remember that the 'best' class is not the easiest to build and play. Overall, this is just a way of expressing which class you feel like voting for on the day, not any true representation of what these classes are like.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by northstar_08 »

Hard for me to vote here as I have really only played a few (Harper Scout, RDD and Pale Master)

I personally loved my PM until its AC was nerfed.

I am thinking on building another PM though (that takes into account the AC changes) so would have to say PM

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Tal »

northstar_08 wrote:Hard for me to vote here as I have really only played a few (Harper Scout, RDD and Pale Master)

I personally loved my PM until its AC was nerfed.

I am thinking on building another PM though (that takes into account the AC changes) so would have to say PM
I am a firm believer in that if you need to rebuild a toon because of a nerf then it is the nerf that is broken.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by VagaStorm »

I'm wondering, will a pure rdd ever beat a pure pm? Havent played much lately.
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Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Nyeleni »

Should be able to, with dragon breath.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by mining »

Tal wrote:
northstar_08 wrote:Hard for me to vote here as I have really only played a few (Harper Scout, RDD and Pale Master)

I personally loved my PM until its AC was nerfed.

I am thinking on building another PM though (that takes into account the AC changes) so would have to say PM
I am a firm believer in that if you need to rebuild a toon because of a nerf then it is the nerf that is broken.
I firmly disagree. Those ridiculous 2h using melee mages that abused +12 shield EMA were never balanced.

Secondly, Vaga, a 66 AB (74 for the first few turns), 78 AC monstrosity with dragon breath and IKD has better than even odds vs a PM.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Cahaal »

With the use of Azerblood for PM's now, it would be very hard to beat them with dragon breath.
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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by Daral0085 »

Not sure why you think that. According to wiki azer gets:

10/- Fire Resistance

So let's see, 30d10 averages 165, DC 50 reflex save. If they fail the save, then you do an average of 155 damage (assuming no EER: fire). If they make the save (and no evasion), you average 72 damage. These values are before the fire vuln, which knock them up to 196 and 92 respectively.

I think doing 196 fire damage per round would be fairly respectable.
Bargeld wrote:It's been shown in past relic events even, if NC actually has a decent amount of players involved, they will win.

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Re: Best Faction Perstige Class

Post by mining »

Cahaal wrote:With the use of Azerblood for PM's now, it would be very hard to beat them with dragon breath.
Azerblood is a silly race for PMs anyway, given that they're built around being hard to hit. If they aren't hard to hit, they're KD bait. Seems lose-lose to me.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.


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