The Letter of the Law

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The Letter of the Law

Post by Bargeld »

2 areas I would like to see clarified regarding the NS Commandments and relic warfare/relogging:
V - Thou shalt not relog any character to exact revenge on a lost PvP fight, whether higher or lower in level than your original character. In the case of defending your faction city, this will be allowed if you do not change the faction of your original character. Relogging a character is not allowed in order to raise fallen comrades if the area around the bodies is still in the midst of active PvP involving the same players that killed you or your party.
If a player has toons from both allied factions (Lets just say TC and NC) and a raider attacks one faction (say TC). A defending player then logs a TC toon to defend that cradle. Regardless of success or failure, a different raider then attacks the allied faction (in this case NC). Is the original TC defending player allowed by this rule to change factions to an NC toon in order to defend the NC relics, or have they already committed themselves to TC toons only (or the 30 minute wait)? (obviously this applies to all allied faction pairs)

VI - Thou shalt not relog any character during a relic raid, except to relog a defender character, unless a period of 30 minutes has passed since your last attempt with your original character. This includes any character involved in the transportation of relics.
A player has raided with a toon and successfully steals a relic and is in transport of that relic and their home faction is under threat, that player decides to abandon their current carried relic in the wilderness in order to defend their cradle. Once finished defending (success or failure should not matter), can that player then relog back to the raiding toon and pick up the previously dropped relic? A similar situation presents itself when a player has already raided an enemy faction and has been either successful or failed, but they return for a second round and then their home cradle gets raided. Is that player then able to log a defend and defend, then switch back to their previously raiding toon, say for example, back into the enemy cradle?
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Nyeleni »

And add another point: When do the 30 minutes start? Once you deliver or hide a relic? Or after the last pvp encounter?

And can you switch to another raiding character if there was no pvp in the previous raiding (offensive)?

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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Bargeld »

Good point... does the 30 minute timer begin at the time you cap/drop the relic you are carrying?

Another way of stating your second question would be... if you have raided an undefended cradle with one toon and successfully or not (cap it or drop it), can you switch to a different raider for the second raid on that, or any other faction?
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Amoenotep »

factional chars are factional chars, relogging for defense only hits venge log rules when its cross faction...your tc char defennds nc then you relog another tc char to defend nc again. tc to tc and nc to nc are in the clear. that clear as mud?

if you relog to defend then relog to continue raiding it MUST be the same char raiding or you have to wait the 30 mins.

the "30 min rule" takes effect from your last action. ie: cradle drop off or drop off. uncontested or not....its considered a hostile act vs that faction whether or not someone defended. the npc's defended :)

anything else or more definition?
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Bargeld »

Amoenotep wrote:factional chars are factional chars, relogging for defense only hits venge log rules when its cross faction...your tc char defennds nc then you relog another tc char to defend nc again. tc to tc and nc to nc are in the clear. that clear as mud?
This one took me a sec to figure out, but i enterpret it as 'you can defend your faction with any same faction toon' and 'if you defend as a non-factional toon, but instead as an ally, then you must stick with that SAME allied faction toon and cannot swap to another allied faction toon.' Also could be said as 'you can defend your faction with any same faction toon, and one single allied faction toon and swap between those at any time.'

I think...
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Amoenotep »

ally faction is held to 30min rule

same faction chars are relog as needed.
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Bargeld »

crystal clear, ty tep
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Korr »

so keep a couple TC toons tucked away at NC ';)
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(

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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by frogofpeace »

Yeah, bargeld, keep a couple of TC toons at NC to help defend :D
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Carejo »

Amoenotep wrote:factional chars are factional chars, relogging for defense only hits venge log rules when its cross faction...your tc char defennds nc then you relog another tc char to defend nc again. tc to tc and nc to nc are in the clear. that clear as mud?

if you relog to defend then relog to continue raiding it MUST be the same char raiding or you have to wait the 30 mins.

the "30 min rule" takes effect from your last action. ie: cradle drop off or drop off. uncontested or not....its considered a hostile act vs that faction whether or not someone defended. the npc's defended :)

anything else or more definition?

You should really just get rid of all the rules. Einstein said, “Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work”. You know he's right.

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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Amoenotep »

maintaining a soundly/friendly server was nearly impossible before we had rules. :(
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Ogami »

you can solve the drop a relic to defend-issues by putting a timer on raided relics. After 30-60 seconds lying on the ground relics go back to where they were taken from.
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by mining »

Ogami wrote:you can solve the drop a relic to defend-issues by putting a timer on raided relics. After 30-60 seconds lying on the ground relics go back to where they were taken from.
That just means that the best raider is the suicidal raider who runs into AO, or w/e, then goes into some random room and gets killed by an allies ice storm. Its much easier to guard a random room for 30 seconds than a raider.
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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Lorkar »

People are STILL asking questions? The rules were written over 5 years ago and discussed adnauseum, clarified, re-clarified, re-re-clarified and clarified again in triplicate 16 dozen more times. Even Tal's hogre PM could understand them.
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Lokey wrote:Yeah, ... I blame Tep in that case.

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Re: The Letter of the Law

Post by Shadowalker »

Lorkar wrote:People are STILL asking questions? The rules were written over 5 years ago and discussed adnauseum, clarified, re-clarified, re-re-clarified and clarified again in triplicate 16 dozen more times. Even Tal's hogre PM could understand them.
Not everyone was here 5 years ago... and some who were, went out and had lives for a cppl years before getting sucked back into NS.
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