2 areas I would like to see clarified regarding the NS Commandments and relic warfare/relogging:
V - Thou shalt not relog any character to exact revenge on a lost PvP fight, whether higher or lower in level than your original character. In the case of defending your faction city, this will be allowed if you do not change the faction of your original character. Relogging a character is not allowed in order to raise fallen comrades if the area around the bodies is still in the midst of active PvP involving the same players that killed you or your party.
If a player has toons from both allied factions (Lets just say TC and NC) and a raider attacks one faction (say TC). A defending player then logs a TC toon to defend that cradle. Regardless of success or failure, a different raider then attacks the allied faction (in this case NC). Is the original TC defending player allowed by this rule to change factions to an NC toon in order to defend the NC relics, or have they already committed themselves to TC toons only (or the 30 minute wait)? (obviously this applies to all allied faction pairs)
VI - Thou shalt not relog any character during a relic raid, except to relog a defender character, unless a period of 30 minutes has passed since your last attempt with your original character. This includes any character involved in the transportation of relics.
A player has raided with a toon and successfully steals a relic and is in transport of that relic and their home faction is under threat, that player decides to abandon their current carried relic in the wilderness in order to defend their cradle. Once finished defending (success or failure should not matter), can that player then relog back to the raiding toon and pick up the previously dropped relic? A similar situation presents itself when a player has already raided an enemy faction and has been either successful or failed, but they return for a second round and then their home cradle gets raided. Is that player then able to log a defend and defend, then switch back to their previously raiding toon, say for example, back into the enemy cradle?