Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

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Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by TheEdge »

As promised here is the thread to allow for questions/concerns regarding the defender of the relic event rules and guidelines. I have “not“included the official rules/guidelines that will govern this event in this thread. That will come later when we are closer to the event itself.

Again this thread is to allow the player base to voice their thoughts and/or opinions, as well as questions regarding game play during the relic event. This is not for “Flame Wars” or to rehash what this or that guild/player did in the past and how it was unfair. If it does turn into a forum battle of that nature I will simply lock down the thread and post the rules that the staff comes up with without taking into consideration player concerns or needs. I don’t want to do this and do value your input so please don’t put me in that position.

That being said I will step down from my soap box and welcome you to take part in this conversation to help mold this into a great event for all.
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Chernobyl_Glow »

i think you should have to have your own relic in order to score points.

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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Tsavong »

I think if possible getting points for caping your own relic would be nice. I'm not sure you should be needed to have your own relic to get points.

Also I think that you should not be able to run and drop relics to people outside your alliance, or may be just faction?
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Bargeld »

V. Thou shalt not relog any character to exact revenge on a lost PvP fight, whether higher or lower in level than your original character. In the case of defending your faction city, this will be allowed if you do not change the faction of your original character. Relogging a character is not allowed in order to raise fallen comrades if the area around the bodies is still in the midst of active PvP involving the same players that killed you or your party.

VI. Thou shalt not relog any character during a relic raid, except to relog a defender character, unless a period of 30 minutes has passed since your last attempt with your original character. This includes any character involved in the transportation of relics.
Given the nature of those commandments regarding relogging during relic raids and defenses, I think that multiboxers should be held to these same policies. Just because you have multiple toons already logged in, it should not allow you to switch freely between them. In a similar example, a player may even have mutliple toons from different factions logged. The rules should apply to the player and not to the toon and obvious examples of multiboxing should be punished. The spirit of the event is to win with the presence of a faction and with representation of playing skill and toon diversification. Relic events should not be won based on who can spend the most money on spare computers and license keys.

I also would like to see suggestions for way to start the events. In previous events, parking toons ahead of time been an issue. So far, Tal has made the suggestion for a server pull, but often this leads to much server lag and possible crashing. It is a valid suggestion, but perhaps there are other options available.

Another area of previous discontent has been with spying/sabotage using lowbies of enemy factions. Perhaps this can be monitored and addressed as well.

Since this is specifically an event for the enjoyment of the players and staff, punishment during this event should be stiffer than during regular gameplay and raiding. If a player chooses to walk a line during a regular day and gamble on a short ban, that is up to the staff to monitor as they see fit (personally I wouldn't put up with it at all). But misbehavior during an event is a blatant slap in the face to all involved and announcing stiffer penalties up from may actually prevent undesired behaviour. Everyone who plays will agree that this is a great server, there should be no need to tolerate this undesirable behavior. (note: this is not pointed at any individual, guild, or faction. A bad seed is a bad seed no matter where it is planted.)
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by TheEdge »

I am currently of the thought that dual logging will not be allowed during relic event hours at all. This will apply to those involved in the event or not. Once the event has started all those currently dual logging will be asked to drop to one toon. Any found after the start of the event multi logging a toon will be subject to auto boot of one of the toons and if repeat occurrence takes place further action will be taken.

Regarding the use of lower lvl toons to spy or act as forward warning signals, as dual logging will not be allowed I don’t see the problem with this.
#1 The event is open to all not just 40's.
#2 Lower lvl toons are subject to the same rules and regulations as anyone else. If a lowbie is used to go on ahead to scout out a perspective raiding point and is killed in action, this in my book would constitute PVP action and said toon would then be subject to the 30 min veng log reg.
#3 If the lower lvl toon is truly an enemy in sheep’s clothing using the friendly faction status to infiltrate the enemy’s keep, while devious, is part of the strategy of war. Again if KIA they are subject to the 30 min rule so they will not be able to just jump back to their raider and commence action. I suggest that all factions/guilds go through some in-depth house cleaning so when the time of war comes those devious enough to attempt to infiltrate the enemy’s home will be spotted quickly and dealt with harshly.
That being said the staff will be watching very closely to enforce these standards to rest assured that we do “see all” and will deal with those that don’t adhere to the 30 min standard.

So far some great points have been posted and I really do appreciate the feedback. While I am saying that at this time some of the things are my thoughts they will be discussed with the rest of the staff and could be subject to change to editing/fine tuning prior to the official rules for this event being posted. I do invite any of my other fellow members of the staff to also jump in and provide some of you own insight as well.
Again great feedback and keep it comming. :D :D :D
Gorm-Fire Eyes


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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Bargeld »

Great response for the spying topic. Once multi-logging is removed from the equation, I agree 100%.
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Amoenotep »

also keep in mind that i have to ban atleast 3 players from the same team at the start....hurry and act now and it could be you!
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by frogofpeace »

Tal wrote:I like the three heats, but one thing I think would make things a LOT better and more competative is a complete server pull to a designated area. This would prevent the quick grabs when the relics are reset.
I like really like this idea. Should lead to general mayhem as well as leveling things a bit. You could make the designated area the Thunderdome ... :mrgreen:
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Nyeleni »

We have been talking about the relic grabbing at the beginning in NC/TC. Which positioning the chars near cradles is already part of the war. I'd say make the own faction town the starting point, and Avendell for those who are really far away from everything.
But no positioning near enemy cradles and especially no grabbing the allies' relic. FD isn't a suited starting point either.

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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by weasel423 »

frogofpeace wrote:
Tal wrote:I like the three heats, but one thing I think would make things a LOT better and more competative is a complete server pull to a designated area. This would prevent the quick grabs when the relics are reset.
I like really like this idea. Should lead to general mayhem as well as leveling things a bit. You could make the designated area the Thunderdome ... :mrgreen:
a server pull will not solve this. People can log on 1 minute after the pull with pre-positioned toons... Only other way to do it is to do a pull when you log in... problem with that is, what if you are logging a defending toon? or just logging on to level?
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Ajantis. »

I don't see an issue with pre-event strategizing and positioning. It adds to the fun. I did it myself a half hour or so before the event, not to get in position to take a relic, but to see who was going where and making note of it, and passing on the information to my allies. That's all part of war games.
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by TheEdge »

I to do not see a major problem with this. While yes there are specific start and stop times for the relic event heats if that is that way we are to go, strategic war planning is a part of preparing for well......war. Remember this is called the "Defender" if the relic event. If prior to that start of the event you see a toon attempt to sneek into your cradle area, kill them. If they log you know that they will be attempting to pop in when the event start and again....kill them. Something tells me that no one will be able to sneek a full team into a relic room without the defending party knowing directly prior to the event. That being said you are looking at two options.
1. If 1-2 toons snuck in then that should be easy kills, (I sugest posting some spotters directly around the cradle at the start of the avent to watch for this)
2. If by some odd chance a full team was able to sneek in and log prior to the event then you would be looking at exacly what this event is all about. "Defend your relic".

Keep in mind that if a guild is somehow able to sneek that many raiders into a relic room that is that meny toons thay will be short when it comes to defending. Long and short either they will be massed defending/raiding or split down the middle thus weakining their stand.

Again great posts, keep them up. :D
Gorm-Fire Eyes


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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Bargeld »

Killing same faction toons hurts your rep if guards are around...
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by Amoenotep »

capping your relic back gains it back ;)
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Re: Defender of the relic rules and guidlines player feedback

Post by TheEdge »

Bargeld wrote:Killing same faction toons hurts your rep if guards are around...
These are the downfalls of open war. As low down and dispicable as you may want to call it, there has been many a time that while raiding with a hipser I will blatenly run right up next to a guard so when the opposing team has to resort to spamming Ice Storms, if they are lucky enough to kill me they still suffer the problem of loosing faction thus making it that much harder to defend when I returne. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Gorm-Fire Eyes


Amoenotep wrote:so drunk he can't spell devil...what a loser
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