Bring back STR BUILD

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by BlkMamba »

I personally favor my 2 Str toons
i dont see any problem with them, one has respectable ac and good ab
the other takes an enormous beating and gives out one in the process

Both have beat'n down dex based toons on a regular basis
sometimes they win, sometimes they loose

Alot depends on the player and scenario
And i've seen alot of good Str based toons out there

If someone is haveing issues with str builds
just ask around, there's plenty of good ones out there
and people will give you advice


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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by mining »

I mean, jeez, dragons, kobolds and [censored due to nerf concerns] are still viable. And they are STR based.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Daltian »

mining wrote:I mean, jeez, dragons, kobolds and [censored due to nerf concerns] are still viable. And they are STR based.
I see nothing wrong with barbarians, fighters or paladins. Except Paladin needs some kind of haste if you ask me.

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

Daltian wrote:
mining wrote:I mean, jeez, dragons, kobolds and [censored due to nerf concerns] are still viable. And they are STR based.
I see nothing wrong with barbarians, fighters or paladins. Except Paladin needs some kind of haste if you ask me.
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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Tru3Fals3 »

Daltian wrote:
mining wrote:I mean, jeez, dragons, kobolds and [censored due to nerf concerns] are still viable. And they are STR based.
I see nothing wrong with barbarians, fighters or paladins. Except Paladin needs some kind of haste if you ask me.

speaking from experience, yes, paladins NEED haste, especially dwarf paladins that somehow seem even slower then anything else ive ever played. its excruitiating, ive taken to keeping 10,000 haste pots on mine just to walk somewhere...

strength builds rock, who cares if you die, get ressed, get up and start swinging till you die again. rinse and repeat, whats not entertaining about that??

lets see you can make effective str builds from....
paladins, rdds, shifters, dragons, fighters, barbs, weapon masters, monks, pms, cots, bards, pdks, clerics, dwarven defenders, sorcs, wizards.... did i miss anything??
The truth is just an excuse for those with a lack of imagination.
Amoenotep wrote:i still think everyone is just truefalse multi logging an entire server together :(

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Ryddwillow »

Pure pally's gain a great deal, but who ever heard of a pure pally dwarf, of a part pally dwarf? Walk like the rest of us and enjoy because we all know you use the pally class as an evil base. No biggie there.

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Daltian »

Tru3Fals3 wrote:
Daltian wrote:
mining wrote:I mean, jeez, dragons, kobolds and [censored due to nerf concerns] are still viable. And they are STR based.
I see nothing wrong with barbarians, fighters or paladins. Except Paladin needs some kind of haste if you ask me.

speaking from experience, yes, paladins NEED haste, especially dwarf paladins that somehow seem even slower then anything else ive ever played. its excruitiating, ive taken to keeping 10,000 haste pots on mine just to walk somewhere...

strength builds rock, who cares if you die, get ressed, get up and start swinging till you die again. rinse and repeat, whats not entertaining about that??

lets see you can make effective str builds from....
paladins, rdds, shifters, dragons, fighters, barbs, weapon masters, monks, pms, cots, bards, pdks, clerics, dwarven defenders, sorcs, wizards.... did i miss anything??
You missed shadowdancers and rangers. :)

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Ryddwillow »

You missed shadowdancers and rangers. :)
Already mentioned that in a previous post, maybe SD but since they live underground like shadow legoin, rangers? come on be fair, PM's and druid get nerfed to crap but RK keeps all the same character classes. Hmm MD must be in AO and RK, they get special benefits and the rest get crapped on. Guys and girls seeing the picture here?

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by John »

Aurin the Masterful wrote:So STR is a dump stat i guess now that DEX replaced it. Str gets what ab/dam DEX gets AB/AC oh and saves. Damage who needs that now that everyone can get Light Saber Switch blades. Eg 3d6 and up dam plus better crit range.

Its like Conan vs Willow, but Willow gets a chain saw.

Oh and STR feat useless exept 2 power attk and the improved version. Overwhelming crit useless now lvl 15 weapons have massive crit, cleave is alright, and Greater cleave also useless. Mabey we should bring Dev crit back. Wait no thats just stupid.
For Dex feats Hmmm all good. Dodge, Mobility, binding speed, epic dodge.

So Poor Conan can barly hit you while you wack the crap out of him.
Wait Dex also gets Knock down so Willow with the str of a fly can KD him * rolls eyes

I know there might be some decent STR build out there but on the server it seem everyone is a dexter. probably a reason for that.

Mabey the devs could do something about this.
Like STR min stat for KD
weapons held two handed times 1.5 ab from str mod you know extra power to cut through ac
take away all the massive crits on weapons
take off extra dam on finessable weapons

Or and everone is going to hate me for it. But it will solve the dexter domination build, it is just one little thing
Take out weapon finesse feat and throw it in the Dev crit round box. In my book of balance you souldn't get high ac dam and ab. oh saves to.

please dont get me wrong devs i understand you re all trying to fix the balance and its a huge jobthis is just what i have seen online. And even with its faults its a great server
i believe kd and imp kd are hard coded ie. lvl 6 monk

Pk Bait
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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by John »

Daltian wrote:Or just add an item weighting 5000 lbs that gives haste(30) 1x day.

Pk Bait
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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by John »

to be honest, most dexer toons can't damage worth a crap unless they are a wm,bard, or ranger

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Ryddwillow »

o be honest, most dexer toons can't damage worth a crap unless they are a wm,bard, or ranger
It might be true but my dexer could rip you apart and doesn't care if you can carry 5000 lbs as long as you are dead, I'm happy are you? :mrgreen:

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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Korr »

My favorite str build was a pure fighter... Str wasnt actually all that good cuz it was a stunning fister too. 19 dex and wis, then try to pull some con for hps and keep the str up... it was rough. He was sick though, dual logging(with a monk/cleric/bg) I could defend against 3-4 people EASY and 5-6 people with some luck and lots of adrenaline.
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(


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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by frogofpeace »

Tru3Fals3 wrote:strength builds rock, who cares if you die, get ressed, get up and start swinging till you die again. rinse and repeat, whats not entertaining about that??
There's nothing wrong with it, per se, because this is a game, it is fun to come running back out ALMOST at full effectiveness.

I think this illustrates the backstory of this thread. Str builds are at least perceived as being less durable than dex builds. Based on the number of (good) dex builds running around versus the number of (good) str builds, and the fact that good players like Tal say they don't do str builds, seems a fair question. NC should have rogues.
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Re: Bring back STR BUILD

Post by Amoenotep »

maybe dex builds are easy to build and anyone can do it? like a monk relic runner that doesn't have to fight? maybe....
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