I have two characters that are bugged. One of which I sent to a Devil Angel, but something went wrong and it didn't get deleted, and now it's just stuck in my character list but I can't log in as, and another I stupidly gave a new toon the same name as an existing toon, and the new toon popped up in Avendell tavern with normal NWN starting gear. I'm afraid to delete this one for fear of it deleting the original toon as well.
Is there any way to get these two toons deleted from the server?
Deleting Bugged Characters
Deleting Bugged Characters
Chernobyl_Glow wrote:the players in AO/RK are evil two headed trolls in real life who kick their dogs and speed through school zones
Shamedmonkey wrote:I can feel myself get stupider.
Re: Deleting Bugged Characters
No one can tell me anything about this? I've tried PM's and DM channel in game, and every attempt I've made has been 100% ignored. No one has even had the courtesy to respond.
Chernobyl_Glow wrote:the players in AO/RK are evil two headed trolls in real life who kick their dogs and speed through school zones
Shamedmonkey wrote:I can feel myself get stupider.
Re: Deleting Bugged Characters
Give it some time, PM a DM with login, Toon names for deletion, if there is something wrong with your account it will take them some time to fix.
Re: Deleting Bugged Characters
kk I did that a week ago. I'll be patient. thanks.
Chernobyl_Glow wrote:the players in AO/RK are evil two headed trolls in real life who kick their dogs and speed through school zones
Shamedmonkey wrote:I can feel myself get stupider.
Re: Deleting Bugged Characters
Yu'll have to contact a Dev, Linux and/or lokey, give your account name and the characters that are glitched. That way they can be found on the database and removed from it.
Lokey wrote: Dragons will eat you if they can catch you.
Re: Deleting Bugged Characters
Sorry I haven't been much help lately... I just pick up a few dev tasks when I have free time, which isn't very often these days.
Lead NS4 developer
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