I know I have seen the answer to this problem somewhere but I can't seem to find the topic. How do I make it so my wings will show even if I wear a cloak? I appreciate the assistance!
Nemo saltat sobrius nisi forte insanit
I think you will need the hak that hides your cloack. It was used my some that had troubels with cloaks when they first went in.
Best Regards
Why would I want to count 12 hours twice? I’m perfectly capable of counting to 24, and while we’re at it, can someone go shoot named time zones. GMT+x is all we need!
Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.
Re: Wings
with 1.69 there is now an option to choose whether you see them or not: Added ability to turn off visible cloaks in the nwnplayer.ini file
(set to 1 to enable cloaks, 0 for no visible cloaks).
[Game Options]
Visible Cloaks=1
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