And the underdark has just become all that much more dangerous!!!
I am placing the key master in the hall right now.
Thanks to all involved.
Power is not given. It is taken.
Tal, Soul Reaper of [IO]
Gol-Gorath [IO]
Shilo [IO]
Cthulhus Acolyte [IO]
Ya ya ya I know... stop whining, complaining, and learn to build better.
1). If it moves kill it
2.) If it still moves repeat #1
3). Protect allies while it is convenient, for allies come and go
4). Honor is held at face value… if they didn’t see it then we didn’t do it
5). Protect the Order at all costs
Death Dealers
Factional alliances only matter when in our favor.
The list changes almost daily depending on current politics.
Almost everyone. If it moves, it is most generally an enemy.
The guild is run by a council of three depicting the three branches, and a guild leader acting as spokesman.
The Illithid Order was formed eons ago when all the worlds were new and the Illithid even then a race of old. The Illithid or Children of Cthulhu as they were called served Cthulhu as his first chosen. They carried out his orders and will until the loss of their lord in the year 1902 N.S. Some time after his destruction a prophecy was fortold of his return. He could only do so if his faithful found a certain artifact that could open a portal to the past and thus save their lord from his demise. World after world was searched but no such power could be found. The search continues on many realms, and as fate would have it has now come to Atheria.
Here on Atheria there are portals to other dimensions and planes of existance, and it is here that the Illithid Order has found new vigor and hope in their search. Of all the factions on Atheria, the Mystral Ascendancy had the most promise and most in common with the Order. It is here that the Illithid Order has set up their latest outpost to continue the search for the power that will return their lord Cthulhu to his rightful place.
The Illithid Order is set up structurally, with three branches; the Scholars, the Initates, and the Reformers. Scholars are the knowledge seeking magi of the IO, Initates are responsible for the psychic core of the Order (bards, sorcerers, and priests of the IO), and the Reformers are the warriors and rogues of the IO. Although they each have different ways their aims are unified unto one end alone.... the return of Lord Cthulhu.
Wait the IO are allied with the DD? arnt they the same people
P.s. Ebenezer still roams Garagoth in searching for more blood to avenage him self from his mistreatment. So in other words Chase watch ur back were back.............Not
DD doesnt allow dual guilding.... There was some cross guilding when we were getting back on our feet but as it stands now every DD is loyal to DD only. Too say we're the same people as IO well thats...... typical of XMD...
And i'd like to say also the sharing of Faction of these 2 guilds has been quite lucrative. Bloodshed is at an alltime high. Relic ownership is quite satisfactory. Just to begin.
Nonetheless Lolth tolerates the Cuthulhu worshippers as it only gains her more fear of her beloved Drow.
::DD:: Minister of Hatemongering and Enemy Carpaccio :MADD: Resident SlackMaster and KittenPuncher
No, no... Admitted SL has some nice relic ownership but the truth behind Lolth accepting Cthulhu is: TATAAM: She is secretly merging with him: giving birth to: Lolthulu ;D.
For the Glory of Torm! Clericus Liberatus Anno Dominis - Gloria Triadis!
That is why he slumbers... he is bored of their feeble attempts to impress him.
Power is not given. It is taken.
Tal, Soul Reaper of [IO]
Gol-Gorath [IO]
Shilo [IO]
Cthulhus Acolyte [IO]
Ya ya ya I know... stop whining, complaining, and learn to build better.