Relic Warfare MVP's

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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by kain124 »

I mostly missed the event for lack of caring after seeing the numbers in la. Though if I was on I threw Salian at LA every chance I got, more to upset them than really grab relics, as for mvp's I'd definitely vote:

Burrahobbit NC
Mythos LA
Eldaquen TC

Just from what I saw those 3 had most impact on the game. If ya need me I'll on nwn2 for awhile, taking a small break from ns until I can get an established toon on my nwn2 rp world that I was a part of its nwn1 history.

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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by neil420 »

Ok just to clarify.
All the same household so i would think 1 vote per household.

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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by Dalan »

The M.V.P.'s are :
  • Last Alliance : Mythos and Leonardo
  • Northern Coalition : Burrahobbit
  • The Circle : Truetech
Congratulations to the hard working winners, and a thank you to all who voted.

I will be looking for you (mvp's) ingame.
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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by Thorac »

gratz tech and burrahobbit and Leo.
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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

Gratz to the MVP's, good work :).
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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by chubbs »


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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by Benjamin Linus »

who's chubbs?

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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by chubbs »

Benjamin Linus wrote:who's chubbs?
what!! now you must die. whats your character's name so i can hunt you down?

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Re: Relic Warfare MVP's

Post by Eldaquen »

Congratz to the MVP!

Thank you for the nominations and mentions in this post.
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