I noticed a few wierd things this morning on the server that were likey caused by what i am about to discuss below... which led me to make note of this in case some people are not yet aware...
This has been mentioned in older posts but ill just lay it out here:
If you are:
1. Playing behind a router, AND
2. have more than one computer running NWN on the same router
THEN Please ! be sure that each computer behind your router that is running NWN has a different client port number. your client port number can be changed in the NWNPLAYER.INI file ...
example: F:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\nwnplayer
in the file under the profile category, second line down -- simply change one number to be different than the other CPU(s)... example 5120 and 5125 and 5130 … or 5120, 5121, 5122, 5123, etc….
Failure to do so can cause multiple avatars of the same toon to appear, cross party chat, the tell system sending to the wrong player, and having players that have logged off still appearing on the player list....
example: If it is you and your buddies having a LAN party at your place just be sure to change the numbers before running to the fridge and downing any beverages

here and more often when down at school, i have 4pc's available to my buddies when we have lan parites...running NWN off the same router ---
And to note: once you change the numbers, your PC will remember the number and you wont have to worry about changing it again...