Portrait override for PotSC

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Portrait override for PotSC

Post by Celorn »

Hey... I've tried all the portrait packs on the nwvault and still cannot get the Pirates portaits to show up... I've installed the content and even browsed it with the viewer and can see all the portraits (Seagull, Sharks, etc...) in there..but i cannot find a way to get them to work in the actual game. :(

Does anyone know the trick? or the pack that made it work for them and how to trigger it? (I know one of them only unlocked all the portraits if you picked female - you could then reverse and pick male and keep the alternate portrait).

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Post by Alain »

some of us had the same problem when testing the water plane, and we found that removing ll the portrait haks removed the preoblem.
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Post by Elagneros »

The PC portraits for PotSC should be showing up normally. I have no idea why you can't see them, might be something in your override blocking it.
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Post by Celorn »

The proper PotRC portraits ARE showing up, I am not seeing the monster ones that shouldn't normally show up ie: removing the override will not enable them (i had tried that too).... :(

Someone on ns3 made a toon with a sea gull as his avatar so I know you can do it...

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Post by Flailer »

Yeah, you have to remove all the portrait overrides in your directory. Bout tore my hair out when I was trying to find the shark portraits before...
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Post by Elagneros »

Celorn wrote:Someone on ns3 made a toon with a sea gull as his avatar so I know you can do it...
Sea gulls eat garbage and crap all over. Who'd want to use them for a portrait? :P
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