I think, and this came from goatrider, that we should put up some kind of BBS in game that allows you to post your name up that shows your lvl/class/alignment and have a 20 word thing about your next xp-foray. That way people can look at it and see what needs doing where.
I saw this implemented in FFXI, and it could be really awesome, posting that you'll be going to this area for the next few hours so people know who to ask into their parties. Could be sweet. Tell me what ya think
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.
That's a good idea. I've seen that feature in games where there is a bulletin board wherer you can place want ads, sales, group requests, etc. The largest hurdle we'd have to overcome in NWN is making one that can be used by multiple players simultaneously.
I saw a sort of shantee version of it in the Nordock server build. Since its freely distributed maybe you can check the scripts they are running for the BBS system there... I'd help but my knowledge of programming is way basic ( im talking Pascal here, sorry lame computer nerd joke). But yeah it would make things easier for the players to hook up with each other.
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.
If this was to be implemented I have a suggestion. It would need to be only visible from people in your faction or an allied faction. That way people can hunt freely without greifers showing up every half hour.
My thinking would be to create private forums for each coalition. This way it adds a new element to games, with spies and everything which would be a cool twist
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.
but how do you regulate who is allowed into each private faction? do you have to commit yourself wholly to one faction before you are allowed in? do you have to be one of the regulars? personally I already have characters in 3 different factions and I plan to play in all seven.
O heat, dry up my brains! Tears seven times salt
Burn out the sense and virtue of mine eyes!