What is the very first PW Action server you ever played?

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Pk Bait
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What is the very first PW Action server you ever played?

Post by OneKnightinChina »

I can remember most of the areas for the one i played but it's been 4 years since then and i can't remember the name ^^; sooo i'll just say what it was like etc.
you started off in a boat and being welcomed to the server and told the rules by the captain, you walk above deck to see the ship docked in the city. (really wish i could remember the name because i'm sure the citys name was the same as the servers module) anyway, in the city there were a couple of houses that you could go into, only by picking their locks, and a couple of commoners who also if you pickpocketed them you got alot of good stuff, just don't try pickpocketing the guards or all guards on the server will hate you till your death. there was a theives guild and other ships in the port would take you to other parts of the continent. there were 2 exits to the woods which were made by the wall doors rather than castle doors. the one on the left lead to lvl 7+ area with goblins i think gnolls were added after a patch too and elementals. the door on the right lead to the starter area that was always overcrowded but it was still fun, in the starter area the monsters that you would fight were Chickens to start with, badgers later wolves and ravens.
continueing on the right path: at the end of the starter area is a gate to the next area which shouldn't be taken lightly as most of the time a very powerful Vrok would be waiting for you i belive there were zombies in this area also but i can't remember for sure. near the mouth of a cave is a tree with a sign nailed to it warning of the cursed beings inside mainly vampires and phase spiders (i really hated the phase spiders, you ran from them they'd be right in front of you).
there was often the odd trouble maker trying to pk people but we always put them in their place as they were usually weaker than everyone else because they'd just started and were only level 5-7 if i remember right though a sorcerer with Fireball gave us the most trouble. but i still look back on those days fondly.

well that's all i can remember about the areas. i had a good time there met alot of nice people especially a Cleric (i just wish i could remember his name :()

oh and if anyone can remember this module's name from my description i'd love to know it's name ^^
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Post by Lokey »

That module and another was rolled into World of Amon. That module was redone extensively though...Tab was involved in that (he served NS3 for a while).

There was one mod that folded years ago, local vault in action with the spells rewritten. Best roleplay I've ever seen in NWN on a server up 24/7.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by Elagneros »

The first PW Action server I tried was Greater Fork, which is a CEP enhanced version of the Stick a Fork in Me mod that sometimes has several versions running at once. They're still around, but I haven't played there in a while, and they haven't upgraded to 1.67 yet because of the compatibility issues.

The second server I tried was Neversummer 4.
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Pk Bait
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Post by OneKnightinChina »

Lokey wrote:That module and another was rolled into World of Amon. That module was redone extensively though...Tab was involved in that (he served NS3 for a while).

There was one mod that folded years ago, local vault in action with the spells rewritten. Best roleplay I've ever seen in NWN on a server up 24/7.
i was really dissapointed when i found the module wasn't up any more, i had no idea that it was added to another i just moved onto the social and rp servers when it dissappeared. before i vanished for a couple of years to come back forgetting my username and password. (that's happened twice now)
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