Getting to know the community.

General discussion on NWN scripting, expansions, and modules
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Getting to know the community.

Post by OneKnightinChina »

Well, i think i should properly introduce myself and try to get to know all you lovely people that play NS. Well i bought NWN as soon as it came out i was really excited for it to be released when i first saw it and it still has a special place in my heart to this day hence me still playing ^^. i've been playing the game on and off alot lately due to friends trying to get me into other games with them FFXI WoW L2 Horizons RFO and recently SRO. but to be honest i don't see why you should have to pay to have fun when you already bought the product. well maybe to help them upgrade their servers and pay their staff that look after the game would be a reasonable reason. but still.

I live in the UK at the moment it's sunny but i'm sure it won't stay that way for the weekend (oh well more time for shopping ^^ or playing NS).
I love Rpgs as you can probably tell and i love to roleplay, i've always wanted to take part in a real Dungeons & Dragons game with friends but none are really interested in that kind of thing *sigh* so NWN and soon to be released NWN 2 which i'm sure to buy are the closest thing i have to a D&D experience.

I just love Pokémon and anime and i'm not afraid to admit it ^^

My favourite characters to play as are: (favourite from top to bottom)
Elf Druif/Shifter (i just love all the abilities you get and it's great for rp)
Halfling Rogue (i love being mischievious so this used to be my top favoutite)
Half-Orc Barbarian (at some point i just got tired of being the easy target so i started playing as this, brute strengh all the way yay!)
Human Sorcerer (this was the first class combo i ever played as, it was fun for a while.)

So tell me about yourselves what class is your favorite, how long have you been playing NWN or D&D etc. anything at all that you'd like to share.
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Halfling Rogue is my favorite (or was, I have permanently taken in place in Ragnar's Kin now). But yeah I remember you, leveld up a character to get shifter but found out you couldn't get it because you weren't in The Circle. Bet that sucks :D .
    On a side note, I think there needs to be a new entry in the journal explaining the special faction-restricted PrCs and such. I'm sure OneKnightinChina is not the only one to find out they can't get the shifter, pale master, or red dragon disciple they wanted for their build they have in Neversummer.

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    Post by OneKnightinChina »

    Lol yeah, that's just my bad luck or lazyness of not reading everything i really should, i had no idea about the whole shifter thing, but luckily enough i now have a character made in the circle this time at lvl 3, only 3 more levels till i can make it a shifter.....i hope ^^;
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    Mr. O'Dearly
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    Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

    remember to only take druid/shifter levels!
    if you take other classes you wont be able to take epic shifting feats.

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    Post by kingfatzo »

    *** Fatzo releases a very loud and obnoxious fart ***

    Well Hurrah !
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    Post by DangerouslyDanner »

    Welcome back to the Rpg world!

    Could not have picked a better server. Drop a line when you create a character and let us know your name in there.

    Happy Hunting.

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    Post by JesterOI »

    Hersh uh welcom frum al der Ewoksh!

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    Post by OneKnightinChina »

    Mr. O'Dearly wrote:remember to only take druid/shifter levels!
    if you take other classes you wont be able to take epic shifting feats.

    details here:
    well i was thinging about leveling my character as druid 20/shifter 20 that way i get all druid spells and i should get all of the shapechange abilities both shifter and druid.
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    Post by JesterOI »

    Be careful. Having only 20 levels of druid does get you all the spells with a decent duration, however, you will be dispelled VERY easily upon entering the epic levels.
    If you're only going for Dragon Shape then take pure druid. But from what you've said you sound like you want to use more than one shape, so taking more shifter levels would be ideal.
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    Post by OneKnightinChina »

    JesterOI wrote:Be careful. Having only 20 levels of druid does get you all the spells with a decent duration, however, you will be dispelled VERY easily upon entering the epic levels.
    If you're only going for Dragon Shape then take pure druid. But from what you've said you sound like you want to use more than one shape, so taking more shifter levels would be ideal.
    so ideally i should go for druid 10 shifter 30?
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    Post by kingfatzo »

    Puuuurrrreeeee Druid :D
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    Post by JesterOI »

    Either / Or
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    Post by OneKnightinChina »

    DangerouslyDanner wrote:Welcome back to the Rpg world!

    Could not have picked a better server. Drop a line when you create a character and let us know your name in there.

    Happy Hunting.
    Well i have afew characters atm but the one i'm using the most is my Elf Druid/Shifter called Moonsapphire. it's quite quiet at the circle apart from the odd relic alert "your relic has been stolen" i'm going to work hard so i can defend it well since there aren't many people in the forest at the moment.

    but in the meantime, beware all ye who dare taketh the relic of The Circle as there be a curse on whoever removes it from it's resting place. *whispers* i hope that worked
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    Post by kingfatzo »

    Heh. im going to go walk all over TC guards just for the sheer fun of it :D
    Resident Glutton and Hand of the Legendary Brethren


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