Other Persistant Worlds

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Pk Bait
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Other Persistant Worlds

Post by Risen »

Just curious: What are some other decent persistant worlds out there?

Pk Bait
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Post by OneKnightinChina »

To be honest from what i can find the best ones out at the moment (that dont need you to download 100s of MB of hack packs) are NS 3 and NS 4, there are some other good ones out there but some are a little unstable due to the hakpacks they use. personally i think that cep even needs another update, at the moment you can't choose the new monsters from the toolset so they really should patch that.

Edit: oops i just checked the date on when this was posted ^^;
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P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

lol, your so funny. This is like your 5th resurrected post without knowing. Answering people who have been gone a long time, you really have a talent.

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

OneKnightinChina should get the title of Necromancer
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by PeregrineV »

Quite a few of the persistant worlds I played a year ago are gone. I miss Ruins of the Twisted Woods :cry:

Any of the ones that don't require hak paks and that have thought in them I'll try for at least a few levels.

Divided Kingdom and Renaissance are 2 that I can remember off the top of my head.

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Post by watchwood »

You know, I heard on the chout channel a while back that you can be a god in game if you fork over some cash. Anyone know if that's actually true?
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Post by Elagneros »

OneKnightinChina wrote:personally i think that cep even needs another update, at the moment you can't choose the new monsters from the toolset so they really should patch that.
CEP is planning a new CEP release shortly. They also just released a patch yesterday which makes the current CEP compatible with 1.67. None of that really matters to NS 4 though.

But it does seem to me that the PWs have been dying out a bit. I think what's happening is that the players slowly lost interest, and the smaller PWs shut down. Some of the little PWs may have also cloed down because of NWN2. In return the stronger PWs (NS 3.5/4, Three Towns, Aantioch, Dor Maeglin, and whatever RP servers are out there) have managed to established strong players bases and some of them (like NS4) seem to continue to grow.
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Pk Bait
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Post by OneKnightinChina »

P. Fricebottle wrote:lol, your so funny. This is like your 5th resurrected post without knowing. Answering people who have been gone a long time, you really have a talent.
Well i like to talk about old news ^^ and it makes for an interesting topic so i say "Let there be life!"
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

My god China, you just joined the forums yesterday and you already have 30 posts.

Pk Bait
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Post by OneKnightinChina »

well my social life is pretty dead on a morning and after work most days except for the occasional friday night or sometimes on a weekend. so i might as well be getting social in some form. forums are great like that i think. well i'm a little tired now....omg *notices the time* it's 12:30 already :( well, i guess that would be good night from me, i'll be sure to post in the morning ^^
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Post by TGPO »

Please when the urge to resurrect old threads hits, resist it. We leave them in place for because turning on automatic thread deletion might also delete some valuable information that is lost in the mists of time.

I just might be forced to go into the database and mass lock anything over a month old. Having me loose in the db is a bad idea because I might accidently delete a few user accounts while I'm at it.
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