Wanna have different colors for the chat types? Wanna differentiate party chat from other chats...here's how!!
1. Open up "nwnplayer.ini" in your root NWN folder.
2. Add at the top of the file "[Chat Colors]". This will be the new section to store your settings.
3. Select your colors according to standard R G B formats. Go here for a nice list + sample colors.
4. To change the defaults colors designate the chat type and then the R G B code, separating the numbers with commas.
[Chat Colors]
ShoutColor=255,165,0 (orange)
PartyColor=255,0,0 (red)
TalkColor=255,255,255 (white)
WhisperColor=255,0,255 (magenta)
TellColor=0,255,127 (neon green)
Custom Chat Colors
Custom Chat Colors
"Cats aren't domesticated, they're just not big enough to kill you." -Phil Athans, former WotC employee
mmmmmmm is this going to turn into diablo, where every (expilitive ) person has a different color chat ---- bah ! 

Resident Glutton and Hand of the Legendary Brethren
Resident Glutton and Hand of the Legendary Brethren