NWN2 news

General discussion on NWN scripting, expansions, and modules
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Post by Lokey »

Yes, we watch the videos, check out the pics (and wonder why they take them at lower resolution without shadows or other bells), see what the devs have to say on the forums. As long as it's at least a prettier NWN with some bug fixes, we'll do something with it. Can't speculate too much on what that something is yet, need the game in hand first...outside of lessons learned dealing with NS1-NS4.

Looks good for NWNx, see their forums. Not sure about what pre-downloaded data will mean, haven't seen much dev comment on that...prepare to get used to using a versioning system to play if the worst comes to pass ;)

Maybe do something just because of that dragon model...
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by Death Dealer1 »

one thing i have heard is that the scripting routines for conversations is basically the same and easily transferable. so if they were already working up convo quests and such it would work out good when they finally got a mod going.
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by MLoki »

I'd like to see epic levels work out the way they should and not be as overpowered as they are. Things should taper out in epic levels so that you could have unlimited epic levels and still stay rather balanced but that won't happen either.


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NWN2 Release Date Pushed Back

Post by cely »

From the Vault:

We just received word from Brandon Smith, co-partner of Community Relations for NWN2 that Atari is moving the release date for Neverwinter Nights 2 to late October. While some of you may be disappointed, frankly I think this is good news. A little more time in the development will definitely be a more polished game. Here's the comment Atari made on the changed release date:

“Given the sheer size and scope of Neverwinter Nights 2 and its 50 to 60-hour single player campaign, it was decided to move the global release date of Neverwinter Nights 2 out a month to late October. This extra time is invaluable as it allows fine tuning and polishing of both the single and multiplayer experiences to ultimately deliver a game that exceeds the tremendous expectations of the Neverwinter Nights fanbase.”

Thanks for the news Brandon.

-- Maximus @ 8:47AM Tue 18 Jul 2006

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Post by CrazyJ »

Are they even releasing the toolset? Last I knew they weren't.

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Post by cely »

Yes, the toolset will ship with the game and might even be available to download ahead of time for people that preorder NWN2.
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