Accessing my old account - midnight08_ns3

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Joined: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:17 pm

Accessing my old account - midnight08_ns3

Post by Midnight »

Ok, visiting again after a ton of years (last visit 2007) and i see my old account has been renamed. I can't seem to get into it or get it to accept my email addresses for a response.

Any way an admin here can help me get back in - I can likely provide some info to validate


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Joined: Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:10 pm
Location: Arendal, Norway

Re: Accessing my old account - midnight08_ns3

Post by VagaStorm »

The email address used on your old account is not the same as on your new one. Maybe you had another mail earlier that might work.
Best Regards

Why would I want to count 12 hours twice? I’m perfectly capable of counting to 24, and while we’re at it, can someone go shoot named time zones. GMT+x is all we need!

Amoenotep wrote:if you die to harper that just means your build sucks.


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