New Plane raid party

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New Plane raid party

Post by CrazyJ »

Jord Malef is available to tank starting in about an hour... let's see if we can run all night.

Bring your high-level characters, by the sound of it we'll need 'em.

(I wonder if the Negative dmg on NEP will heal my Lich...)

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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

i went to neg plane yesterday for about 45 seconds .... till i died from the hellball casting beholder and the dc 48? fear aura thing and the giant with a dire mace and some kinda red slime.....
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Post by Charles I »

So ya wanna go to Neg. plane huh. Do you have fort save of 60? Can you take lots of hits of 50-60 damage from giants with 72-76 ab? Can you last through 3 hellballs and a couple greater ruins. Need a party of about 10 lvl 35-40 for a good fighting chance at survival. But it is fun :) . I'll be happy to join you once I get someone near that.

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Post by kingfatzo »

pWnd. even PM cheese wont save you there.... :lol:

maybe when IO builds up more high level toons ya'll can go questing.
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Cthulhu Drega
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

PM cheese? i went with a lvl 29 pure class ftr so take your views and put them in the 5 hole ;)
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Post by kingfatzo »

was i talking to u :wink: :P
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Post by CrazyJ »

It's not PM cheese. It's a dedicated PM build. PM Cheese would be Ftr 4/Bard 26/PM 10, or similar.

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Post by Binkyuk »

All I hear is, 'waah waah waah, I wanna be MA...' :wink:

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Post by JesterOI »

PM isn't really cheese, it takes a full 10 levels to get the full effect.

SD on the other hand only takes 1 level to get 90% of the full effect.
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Post by Findor »

PM Cheese would be Ftr 4/Bard 26/PM 10, or similar.

It always amazes me to see people make such glib pronouncements. I have a build similar to this and I have it because I invariably play Bards wherever I go and found the F/B/RDD build I started with on NS4 to be less than viable (I mean I got it up to L34 before throwing in the towel) - NOT because I prefer PMs. Actually, a B/BG/RDD is one of the best Bards builds you can make, but it is illegal here.

It funny how people belittle builds designed to withstand the challenges of a particular server when such builds are perfectly legal and really make sense. I guess most people on NS4 have not played on many other servers, for if they had, they would know that every server, to some extent, favors particular builds.

So, because I want to be able to have a good chance of surviving attacks from bosses or other players, I have created a "cheesy" build. Let's apply that logic to RL: my Maxima is a "cheesy" ride because it is super reliable, gives good gas mileage, is well built and pretty stinking fast. I should have a Ford Taurus instead, right?
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Post by Amoenotep »

i have a Taurus....what you trying to say about the Taurus?
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Post by Binkyuk »

no, 'cheese' refers to a build that relies on bad bioware decisions when they made the game or other things a PnP GM would never let you get away with, like skill point dumping and 1 class level for HiPS, pally saves or monk attacks.

In the RL equivelant, your Maxima probably isn't 'cheesy' because it costs more than the Taurus and you either worked to get the money for it or sacrificed on other things to save up, or invested some effort in getting it some other way. Real Life has Economics that works very comprehensively to balance everything by making good things cost more due to demand. The 'costs' in D&D character creation rules are artificially created and not dynamic, so oversights remain uncorrected.
Though I suppose your Maxima might be considered 'cheesy' if you were a trust fund bunny and your parents gave it to you for free (a sort of RL equivelant of metagaming i suppose).

Personally I don't think PMs are cheesy at all anyway. While it has good defensive abilities, it'll roger your BAB if you take it pre-epic, and the casting capabilities of the class are poor compared to the benefits of more caster levels. As a bonus you get a powerful summon IF you invest in it heavily (the 'cheese' build above won't have a competitive summon) AND support it with feats.

Hmm. I seem to have gone off topic...

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Post by Findor »

I have a Taurus....what you trying to say about the Taurus?

LOL...ummm...that it's a ton (actually several tons) of bull. :D
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Post by Findor »

no, 'cheese' refers to a build that relies on bad bioware decisions when they made the game or other things a PnP GM would never let you get away with, like skill point dumping and 1 class level for HiPS, pally saves or monk attacks.

Okay...that's a fair definition. Here's the thing though: NWN != D&D; it's a more or less accurate implementation of it in a different context. Sorta like how the LoTR movies didn't accurately depict everything from Tolkien's books (there's no way they could). Tolkien purists took offense at that, without considering that film, unlike literature, is primarily a visual medium that relies heavily upon images to tell a story (ever wonder why there are very few movies with a lot of narrative?). There is probably no way a game developer could implement everything from, say, the 3.5 rules. My plea would be this: let NWN be NWN.
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Post by Alkapwn »

This thread sure took a strange turn? Negative Plane to Cars to Lord of the Rings? Do we all have ADD or what?


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