Whats Wraith's deity

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DM Wraith
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Whats Wraith's deity

Post by DM Wraith »

Well , I figure I'll post this here.

To the players of NS4 Reflection.

I need your help ,I have yet to decide on a deity to represent

Please help me to decide

Please post ideas and suggestions here .

Depending on response, we may take it to a poll :)
DM Wraith (Retired)

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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

Whats your favorite faction?

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Post by Kromix »

god of spookyness!!!
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TGPO wrote: Call me a nazi all you want [...] it wont change the way I approach things.

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Post by TGPO »

This may help. Its old as sin as its from before the beta was opened up to players, all I did was edit out all the DMs who arent around anymore from back then. I think Zing is working on an accurate current list.


*edit* Slightly updated, all the DM's are listed, the Dev avatars arent though. */edit*
Last edited by TGPO on Sun Oct 01, 2006 12:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CrazyJ »

Depends on your personality.

Tyr could be good, but only if you can play him well (I know chase used to be Tyr, but Auril fits him so much better).

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Post by Amoenotep »

the dwarves need some love man...besides..as Mask and Gruumsh i need someone i can fight against.
Mask, Lord of the Shadows
Gruumsh, One-Eye

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Post by Cthulhu Drega »


The Dark God, Eternal Darkness, Cold, Decay, Enfeeblement, Paralysis

CE Chaos - Evil Outsider

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this way you favor no faction you can help or hurt any of them ;)
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Auril was the worst god of Justice ever. However, he makes the best God of Trickery. Its about what you role-play best. However, since I don't know you very well as of now, I can't tell you which would be best for you.

A decent way would pick an alignment that represents you, and then a choose a god with that (or very close) alignment.

Lawful Good - Righteous, evil must be destroyed
Neutral Good - Good in its true sense, just a good guy :wink:
Chaotic Good - Robin Hood-type guy, the best kinda good for the people
Lawful Neutral - The Judge, your decision is final
True Neutral - Undecided, you can go both ways at your whim
Chaotic Neutral - The Rebel, like Chase
Lawful Evil - Eternal Destruction, not only evil but smart
Neutral Evil - Evil, just plain Evil
Chaotic Evil - Evil in a sense you just can't understand

Edit: "the dwarves need some love man" - Mask

True dat.

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Post by Daedalus »

Cyric God of ????? (not sure) :D

Sends your minions forth to convert the unfaithful and destroy those who not believe in you!

I mean there is a Priest of Cyric in BG2 and NWN might as well give them something to believe in :D
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Post by Amoenotep »

i believe Fire is Cyric
Mask, Lord of the Shadows
Gruumsh, One-Eye

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Post by Binkyuk »

If you want evil - Shar!
+has natural ties with the Shadow Plane - good event possibilities.
+Supposedly isn't on good terms with Mask (as for some reason Amoenotep wants that, however being patrons of allied factions that could be a problem).

-Evil in a calculating way while being a bit less randomly destructive than Lolth, so overlaps a bit with Mask.
-SL already has a fairly active patron in Lolth.

If you want to give RK a boost you could be a Gnomish power instead of a Dwarven one. Garl Glittergold looks alright - you could be the god of Humour. :)

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Post by CrazyJ »

I've seen a gnomish one in-game occasionally, but very infrequently... I think it's Netrom?

The dwarves have Moradin and Haela... though I have not seen Haela manifest in quite some time.

LA and NC are the only two I think only have a single active deity.

MA: Cyric, Mask, Talos
TC: Sylvanus, Mielikki
AO: Bahamut, Tiamat
SL: Lolth, Mushroom (Velsharoon)
RK: Haela, Moradin, gnome-dude
LA: Lathander
NC: Torm

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Post by Kirg »

Eilistraee, definitely Eilistraee.

If not the Dark Maiden, dancing under the moon light, the Dwarfs need some god again. Haela is filling in already, but she is more a halfling god than a dwarf one ;).
Moradin or Dumathoin would be nice.

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Post by CrazyJ »

We already have a Moradin.

Haela is a dwarf--halflings can't use greatswords and that what she carries.

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Post by MasterYoda »

I have seen him do lots o just things so I'm gonna say tyr as well.

we need some more LA dieties.
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(



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