Dragon blocking the Door?

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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by Rummybum »

I hate to say this but... I don't think its that big a deal. What happens when you kill him standing in the door? Doesn't that make it so you can get by.

Only thing seemed wrong to me was how fast they got back after dying.
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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by Celorn »

Rummybum wrote:I hate to say this but... I don't think its that big a deal. What happens when you kill him standing in the door? Doesn't that make it so you can get by.

Only thing seemed wrong to me was how fast they got back after dying.
Lol.. what seems wrong to me is how fast attackers get back to NS! respawning in Avendel or evenshire and a few screens BANG! there they are again... you basically have just enough to rest and buff before the next wave comes marching in.. sometimes.

I saw TSS protecting the NC door with a dragon too, which was fairly effective since it made it impossible to click on the door, so you pretty much have to fight the dragon. Which was actually easier than dealing with that really annoying shifter that is just begging for a nerf :P.

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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by mgrjebbo »

bah alot of cities can be raided from fd which is like 3 maps from cradles
Amoenotep wrote:Interesting turn of events.....

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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by number one bastard »

mgrjebbo wrote:bah alot of cities can be raided from fd which is like 3 maps from cradles
"sobs" im not cryin bout the wastes bind point

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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by Eldaquen »

When started this thread, intent was just to share a way around the blockacding tactic. In my humble opinion see nothing wrong with it. Did not claim there was. Finally a way to stop annoying SD's from running in taking and running out without facing PC defenders.

Blocking door very effective tactic, did you really expect only LA to use. Havok, good job coming up with and using so well. And yes, TSS (I), used same tactic to help defend NC (an Ally) from LA. See post above where I stipulated to this fact. If LA is going to use - don't complain when facing same in other factions.

I pray the Dev's will put a DOOR in Wolf's den so TC could do this. For that matter AO, MA, RK and SL need a door in their cradle areas as well.

Hmmm I recall that MA's cradle used to be in tower and someone could and did block portals preventing raider from leaving. Anyone recall what happened after people complained about :?: - MA's cradle was moved. Well seems blocking the exit (in this case door) was already decided upon by the Dev's, after all. Where will they move LA's and NC's cradle so there are no doors to block? (Not asking for nor a complaint. Attempting to point out how ridiculas this thread has become.) Careful what you ask for.

Want a nerf suggestion, FINE how's this: toons with Hips can not be hasted. Keep SD's from running away from Dragons who can see them. My point - anyone can complain just about anything - was not intent of this thread. Please post your Shifter debate posts where they belong - the long since no longer used threads where this issue was beat to death.
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Re: Dragon blocking the Door?

Post by Terl »

It was a little over a year ago( I think) when a wizard polymorphed into a dragon and blocked the MA portal. A huge stink was raised and it was decided to be a part of relic defense and all the raider had to do was kill the wizard.
Anyone remember who did it though?
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