Clericus Liberatus Anno Domini

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Clericus Liberatus Anno Domini

Post by ATI »

The new clan has been formed and so far people seem rather enthusiastic to further the cause of good. For all those wishing to join, you may also post here.

Also it would be great if all members would post their names so we can come up with a chapter list.

Also remember that Kurth has final say who gets into the clan. I'll be working on support work which involves me setting up a quartermaster and so forth. Also, I would like to see everyon'es char levels and updates on domains that they took. This way we can assess the overall strength of our clan. (don't worry no pressure on when you want to do these things). Don't worry about posting them on this thread either, we want people to know how powerful we are.

My quartermaster will have lots of spare money and items, which will be donated to new members and used to further our cause. If you wish to help, for right now, send me a PM and I'll contact you with my quartermaster character for donations. I'll be the only one running a quartermaster at the moment so please don't worry about having more than one.
Last edited by ATI on Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Sakad the II
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Post by Sakad the II »

{CLAD} Niri Kune
Mortimer Kune (CLAD)
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Post by WillPower »

{CLAD} Sir William the Angel
It takes most alcoholics their entire lives to recover... but for me... Im usually fine by noon.
--> {CLAD} Sir William the Angel
--> {CLAD} Sir William the GateKeeper

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Post by tollkins avenger »

Tollkins avenger Dotian -lvl16-Rk- thx John
Mach3 -lvl6-MA

"Tollkins <CLAD>" RK :twisted: :shock:

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Post by starrchild »

{CLAD}Okimi Manaka

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Post by TheBestDeception »

{CLAD} Arcane the Crusader

*Type: Melee Cleric

*Domains: Travel and Trickery

*Weapon: [censored] Sword

*Magic Specialty: Necromancy

*Current LvL: 7 nearing 8

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Post by AlienOverlord »

Alien {CLAD} -Cleric
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Post by ATI »

Good news Chapter members, we have just received our first supply shipments. We currently have massive amounts of lvl 12-20 items (the best NS4 has to offer). Our strength grows. OUr guild funds are currently at around 1 mil, which we can get higher no problem :D
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

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Post by Rhapsody_ »

TheBestDeception wrote:{CLAD} Arcane the Crusader

*Type: Melee Cleric

*Domains: Travel and Trickery

*Weapon: [censored] Sword

*Magic Specialty: Necromancy

*Current LvL: 7 nearing 8

A good cleric that use death and evil necromagic magic? kinda weird :P Trickery for doamin ? its sound like your char is evil

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Post by TheBestDeception »

On the contrary, good and evil deal with intentions. I am merely proficient in the methods of evil in order to more efficiently defeat evil.
But, it's such a draining job that, until you've DMed on an NWN server yourself, you the playerbase, have got to cut the DMs some slack. - Flailer

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Post by Kurth »

UPDATED SUNDAY 02:57 8/15/04

OK... This needs to be made very clear: We are not out to make enemies! All {CLAD} actions are to be 100% diplomatic until the end of the that action. I.E. "DO NOT FIRE UNTIL FIRED UPON!" Once hostile action has been directed at {CLAD} THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT are as follows:

#1 Recon! Assess the situation thouroughly! (BY THE NUMBERS) How many hostiles. The class and strength of the hostiles. Direction and heading of the hostiles.

#2 Raise Silent Alarm! (I.E. notify ONLY {CLAD} members of inbound hostile and give all pertinent tactical information from #1.

#3 IF and ONLY IF you cannot handle the situation by yourself in a diplomatic demeaner call for {CLAD} assistance silently (only {CLAD} members) and ask for suitable reinforcement team that that matches closely the strength of the hostiles.

#4 Once battle has begun: be smart, think tactics, don't get too serious, we are out to have fun, but keep with the founding principles of {CLAD}, don't be too afraid to retreat for tactical advantage.

#4 AFTER COMBAT Negotiate the raise and release of enemy dead to those present at the death scene only, if they are still combatant and hostile leave them where they lay until they agree to turn and head back to home or allied factions (WE DO NOT UNLEASH OUR ENEMIES UPON OUR ENEMIES [i.e. don't raise SL assassins and let them then take their hostility towards AO or even worse TC... Mel is our ally!])

#5 If we got slaughtered fall back to Daeron and keep fighting until Daeron is SAFE for all friendlies. It need not be said: A hostile should not be in Daeron. If one is the Gods will condone all actions taken to expel the enemy force(s) which do not cross the line of the NS Commandments or the will of the Gods! BUT if you are fighting and die at least 5 times in a single engagment, learn from it and go lvl some more then come back and defend Daeron later.

#6 Unless we are being harassed by someone blatantly who is violating NS commandments you are not allowed to get your Higher lvl chars and beat the snot out of the Hostile party.

#7 DO NOT under any circumstances attack Daeron with your other chars! We will then be fighting our own friends! Even though this guild strongly pushes RP, fighting against other clan members does not promote good feelings among us!

Those are the RULES OF ENGAGEMENT and are subject to change... please review them from time to time! Have fun all! (Once again we are not out to make enemies! We just to protect Daeron and render clerical services to our fellow players counterparts! ^_^)
Last edited by Kurth on Sun Aug 15, 2004 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Am I really as ugly as Father Kurth? %#$&

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Post by ATI »

I concur on these rules. Remember, we are trying to balance the sides of evil with our holy purity. Others are obviously massing against us, so it's an uphill battle. Fighting ourselves only makes that battle harder. Remember, if you need assistance contact any {CLAD} member, and we should be able to help. Also, don't forget, our strength is in our brotherhood, the more we work together and share together, the more we can mass arms to defeat evil. :D

Later tonight I'll post my char stats :D Have fun everyone.

So far... Barely lvl 6

Domains: Air (for call lightning)

Travel (It's all about haste)

Build structure

14 STR
14 Dex
14 Con
18 Wis
8 Int
8 Cha

figured that I'd be able to slam around baddies with call lightning that turning would be worthless for my pre epic lvls.

My focuses are in martial, zen archery, rapid shot, point blank shot. (need toughness, weapon focus, extend (a must for divine favor and power))

I also have the Quartermaster who has lots of guild money and items (Tons of goodies :D) If you requite the quarter masters items or money please just PM me or send me in game. He's always in Daeron so just give me a ring :D
Last edited by ATI on Thu Aug 05, 2004 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
I've tried fire, i've tried faith, and i've tried force, all I have left is hope.

Gai Daikoji
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Post by Gai Daikoji »

Sweet Kurth, i really dig the rules of engagement.

Username: Lord Kanti

Hippocrates the Iron {Clad}

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Post by Mad_Bovine »

I think I'll actually use my player name on this char...

Mad_Bovine {CLAD}

I'll upload the stats later
Think you are lazy?
I once coded a 1300+ line library in C++ to avoid having to write 200 lines of code.
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Post by Kurth »

Last edited by Kurth on Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.


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