Dispell and other magic balance issues

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Dispell and other magic balance issues

Post by Dallas17 »

alright, i've been playing my mage for some time now and have finally reached level 18 and think i have a good grip on magic in the mod.

firstly, good job fixing dispell to actually have caps of +5/+10/+15/+20. now the next problem, these arn't exactly balanced once you reach epic... i'd suggest doing somthing like a check, if character level is past the cap, then 25% of character level used as the addition, and 50% for regular, 75% for greater and 100% for mord. this will mean that clerics and druids and bards do infact actually have a chance of dispelling things at epic levels.

furthermore i'd suggest adding abjuration focus's and greater and epic focus's to the DC of dispells, making it possible for you to 'resist' a dispell. arcane defence also would apply to this. all making the dispell system more complicated, but more balanced than the current one which allows only mages to actually be able to dispell things much past level 15.

next i'd like to suggest for hold spells to use focus's and add those to thier duration, allowing a mage that takes focus in these to infact be able to hold somone for more than 3 rounds. so if somone cast hold person and was level 12 and had a focus in enchantment, they'd hold the person for 12/4 +2 = 5 rounds. same with the bigby series which are evocation spells, same with charm spells same with confusion spells. this makes them infact stronger for people that take focus's, but for those that do not put forther effort in them there are less returns.

furthermore on hold spells, currently hold person and hold monster really have no use, why? because the bigbies series do the very same thing and have no realistic save and same duration. so why even take hold person or monster at higher levels? the bigbies do deserve more power being higher level, but not to the degree they currently have. perhaps if you made hold person give the effect of -20 DEX and -20 dodge or somthing like that. basically making them have no AC from those catigories. then they'd be useful, still less reliable because there is a save that many can make. but useful.

also i noticed the duration on shadow shield is set at somthing like 1 turn.. not nessisary imo, this is a powerful spell no doubt, but this kind of nerf makes it generally useless, alteast to me a sorcerer who has to pick his spells carfully. a duration of somthing like 1 turn/ 3 levels or such would be more suitable, though imo you should just un-nerf durations on most things and instead institute a rest timer.
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