N.C wizards

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N.C wizards

Post by trent »

I should have posted this here and not in the wrong forum ... sorry everyone

I think N.C should get the wizard class ...... NS4 is a high magic server and N.C is a low magic faction ... do the math. It would also help out faction population.

I know it goes against the story of NS4 but what looks good on paper doesn't always work out in the grand skeem of things.

I know the Devs look at the mod as a whole when nerfing classes and doesn't look at things from a poor N.C point of view . sure nerfing clerics this last time solved some power building issues with most of the mod but has crippled N.C.

Please give us wizards lol .... ranger was erm a start but if you wanna see N.C compete with the rest of the world wizards are needed.

Now on the flames this post will receive from enemy guilds/factions ..... you will type "oh stop complaining .. you can build awesome builds in N.C with the classes you have blah blah blah " but what you are really saying is "please don't give them wizards ... we love pwning them with our uber sorcs ..... a bigs / timestop / a few IGMS and bam! thats one dead pally :)"

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Post by -BannyD- »

dang i wish you didnt delete my post in FoN forums, dont remember it all now.

but hmm..what if you multiclassed your paladin to have some AC, disc, and tumble...then that bigbys wont even hit you. I never have to dismiss a bigbys on our toons really because they can resist it, and like I said in the post you deleted...we have builds that are possible in NC, you can resist bigbys. IGMS can be resisted with high SR or..a bunch of players/summons. Timestop...well timestop is always an easy way out for a mage :P

Sorry its not really meant to be a hit against you in the above paragraph..just trying to point out that NC can deal with mages. Get some bards and monks, supply buffs to other people especially haste when dealing with mages...Stunning Fist! mages...the DCN monks have proven time and time again that a decent Stunning Fist is greater than a mage, and NC has monks and bards that can lower a mages fort even more...

but what you are really saying is "please don't give them wizards ... we love pwning them with our uber sorcs ..... a bigs / timestop / a few IGMS and bam! thats one dead pally Smile"

its more like..."I like tanking multiple paladins with my BARD and taking them out steadily one at a time while i never heal"

Look at our success, Slaves...we do fine raiding, defending, leveling, etc yet we have but 2 mages in the guild...neither of which are played much. We party with DCN all the time but even they dont really have mages. Now, AO has a much bigger variety of classes to choose from but still, NC has the means to deal with mages and have the same support that I favor in a party (a powerful bard).
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Post by trent »

Interesting .... though I've noticed in about all of the builds you claim are super uber that arn't wizards or sorcs have rogue in them .... another class we don't have ... and yet another attempt at trying to keep us weak and unable to put up a strong offencive.

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Post by JesterOI »

I find the idea of allowing mages in N.C. to be offensive!

They are a divine faction, they have no use for silly arcane tomfoolery!

So far in the grand scheme of NS, mages are a barely worth having around as a support class after the mid 20's!

But, alas, it isn't the massive HP, it's just that mages are great for parlour tricks and no more! Their dmg spells are little more than the equivalent of a mosquito bite, AND that's even when the target does fail the save for half. Anything with a saving throw is pointless ultimately.

A paladin/CoT/monk could be an interesting build.
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Post by kingfatzo »

hahahah, pWnage.... :o

this is no differnt that when one of the IO members was suggesting that monks be added to the available classes in MA ...or different cleric domainms for somthing..etc....or when one of the slaves noted about not having pallies available in AO anymore....and remember that we from NS have a very limited access to PrC , only having WM, SD, and BG available to us (did i forget one :wink: ) ....if we all had the same thing, we would create in essence a socialist society....faction would become irrelivant and all would be equal : and Marx, Engles, and Lennin would be very proud of us... But this is not what the land of Atheria should ever become. :)

if you dont like confronnting mages, then boost your tumble, epic focus in tumble, etc as Banny mentioned.....so that you can walk out of their BB's ...the only thing you have to worry about is the Time-Stop-O'-Cheese which is the "HA HA" i win button and can pWn any class from any faction if used back to back.... if you are expecting to encounter a mage who TS's , put up a spell mantel (potion,scroll) to absorb at least one of their IGMs to improve your chances of survival.
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Post by JesterOI »

N.C. is a great faction, a lot of good builds available to it.

Just because you can't do what you want there doesn't mean it needs to be changed, I'm sure you can do that elsewhere in some other faction.
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

you forgot AA and HS fatz
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Post by trent »

All the posts above = don't let N.C become great and pwn us .. pretty please :(:(:(

pps .. if you think its so great then where are all your N.C chars? .... don't talk the talk if ya can't walk the walk ......

this will be followed by oh my guilds in A.O or S.L so I can talk all this shop talk without proving my point... blah blah ... the simple truth is if we had wizards all your relics would be ours and ya know it.

I challange ya to make any build you can in N.C and I'll make a pure class wizard and watch me pwn you all at the same time.

lmmfao at your sugestions ... drink a potion ...... why would you care if N.C had wizards ? ... cause you like holding the relics and pwning us .....

I just wanna make a wizard so I could cast Phantasmal Hasselhoff and kill ya all :twisted:

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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

how does my post say that trent? but since you lumped me into that lot heres my 2 coppers

the best relic raiders ive seen are monk sd types both classes you have acess to throw some cleric levels with it and you got a solid toon on any plane

your faction vs evil has the best toons / abilitys of any faction a smiting pally cot or pally wm is the highest damage output of ANY melee toon.

a cleric bard aa is a realy nasty toon try it out before you complain that you have no pvp builds

cot works with any class you have acess to

assimar OMG dont even get me started on this uber race with NO stat penaltys ....

the simple fact is that you picked NC for your faction/guild and now you got to deal with it same with IO and MA. dont forget we are basicly the anthisis of NC and we too have very limited classes to work with. dont even bring up the PM and how "uber " it is... people allwase think its so powerful when its not. a coupple of IGMS and poof there goes the PM and his summons

NC and MA are 2 sides of the same coin IMO if you alter one the other must be altered also and as someone pointed out if all factions are equal then why even bother having factions to begin with?
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Post by kingfatzo »

Well Put Cthulhu..
Cthulhu Drega wrote:you forgot AA and HS fatz

ty, i overlooked AA .... HS on the other hand i remembered but isnt even worth mentioning :lol:

Cthulhu Drega wrote:your faction vs evil has the best toons / abilitys of any faction a smiting pally cot or pally wm is the highest damage output of ANY melee toon.

mmmmmm pallies + some of the new planes put in = oooo !!!! :D

trent wrote:I challange ya to make any build you can in N.C and I'll make a pure class wizard and watch me pwn you all at the same time.

*Me - Uses a timestop scroll and Runs up and KD's Trents wizard* !!1! :P

Edit: Cuthru, sorry i was re-editing my post as you posted , i understand quite well :wink:
edit#2 ... heh that pic of lenin would make a nice avatar shot ! :D
Last edited by kingfatzo on Sat Oct 21, 2006 5:47 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Cthulhu Drega »

dont believe me fatz? show me another melee toon that can do a hit of 2k + damage ( pally scythe wm )
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Post by trent »

oooo you picked the weakest faction so deal ... screw you lol .... I'm gonna fight to get N.C on the same lvl as the other factions ... and I didn't mean to throw you into the mix lol I'm just trying to create a popular topic to get the devs attention.

you wanna make the factions extream then lets rip pally out of evey other faction but N.C ...... druids should only be T.C rogues should only M.A/S.L ..... monks should only be L.A wizards should only be S.L and sorcs M.A .... clerics domains should be nerfed to relfect each faction .(like it used to be for T.C) .....

the above would prolly require a wipe lol .... after the recent nerfs I'm just trying to lvl the playing field alittle .

whats so wrong with giving us wizard? .... why does it effect other guilds/factions? ... we might take some of the population from your faction? ... when I log on with a N.C toon 99% of the player base is hostile.

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Post by Squikker2001 »

I remember once when I logged on with an NC character, there were about 40 people on, and only ONE person was not set to dislike.

NC is fun to play, but we need some more people.
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Post by Netrom.dk »

trent wrote:I challange ya to make any build you can in N.C and I'll make a pure class wizard and watch me pwn you all at the same time

That was almost enough to get me excited to play a little again, just to prove you wrong.... I wonder how a pure wizard will do against a pure Monk with just a few SR feats....

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Post by Amoenotep »

full SR feats on a pure monk is 70SR. which means there is no caster that can touch it......none.
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